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Adaptagility is the vital foundation of Bullet-Proof Growth-Optimised Mindsets, Consciously Constructive Collaboration, LIMITLESS Leadership, and High Performance Cultures, that ensures thriving, and WINNING, in the 4th Industrial Revolution: ever-changing, uncertain conditions, AND opportunities.

ADAPTAGILITY™ is the Mindset that all of your people & teams need now.

Noun – “The Capability, Capacity, Readiness, Resourcefulness, and Resilience, to use #FutureFit, Growth-Optimised Mindsets; ready, willing, and able, to SWIFTLY embrace change, rapidly adapt, adjust, and successfully overcome, challenges and optimise opportunities.”

Get In TouchAbout Tony Dovale



Verb – Make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; become adjusted to new conditions.




Noun – The ability to think, understand, and move, quickly and easily.




Noun – The ability to bounce back after adversity. To operate effectively under stress or pressure. The mental ability to keep on going, even thought times and conditions are not ideal.

Leadership Talks: Thriving and Winning

Online Zoom/Meet Talk

Understand the pillars of High Performance #ADAPTAGILITY and well-being

Using Happiness @ Work as the fuel for Resilience & SWIFT Actions
Creating a Context, cultures and Workplace Climates where your people can thrive

Why Resilience/AQ and #ADAPTAGILITY is Vital right NOW?



Pillars: Capacity, Character, Courage, and Context

• Awareness, Assessment, Active
• Decisive, Disruptive, Determined
• Agile Actions, Adaptive behaviors & Mental Flexibility
• Professional Performance: Psychological Capital – Positive, Hope, Self-Belief
• Thinking: Fast & slow / Timely: Decisions AND Actions
• AQ/Resilient, EQ, and stress-ability – Mental Toughness and Agility
• Growth-Optimised Mindsets: Grit, Gratitude, Growth
• Inspiring Experiences: Unleash Passion, Clear Culture/context/climate
• LEAN–in /Love: Learning culture –Meaningful, engaging, Incremental Growth
• Integrity, Informed/Conscious
• Teamworking: Trustworthy truth – transformative, thankful
• Yes!: WHY? Moon shots! Embrace the opportunity hidden in change

Context & Consequences

We know from extensive global research, and our own High Performance Teams research, that 9 out of 10 managers are NOT GREAT managers. 

Manager’s Mindsets MATTER, because with them under pressure, like now, everything impacts everything else, and causes chaos, uncertainty, anxiety and confusion,

They are the source of resourcefulness and People #ADAPTAGILITY, or the source of confusion, anxiety, fear, disengagement, and lost performance..

 By developing Personal #ADAPTAGILITY in your people, creates a positive, stable, strong, foundation for Team and organisational ADAPTAGILITY.

As conditions remain in great flux, this will become the new normal… So having people who are mentally flexible and tough, emotionally agile and adaptable to uncertainty and change, will be key.

Change management is no longer viable… as adjustment, balance and adaption are now required daily… Perpetual Reinvention is the order of the day.  


Stop change Management – Start Perpetual Reinvention

Instead of “change-Management a better approach is …Perpetual Reinvention, which requires increased #ADAPTAGILITY on all levels… People, Teams, Leadership and Culture.

Recent Remote Speaker Sessions

Tony did an amazing presentation on wellbeing to our clients – wonderfull…the session was made a huge success through his expertise and efforts.

Management consulting

CEO, Catalyst Pakistan

Tony is a first class Act!! He is the REAL Deal

Billie Selkane

CEO, Selekane Group

Having worked closely with Tony over 18 years, he is always a well prepared, high performance expert, who REALLY knows his stuff.” He will transform your team!

Dr Emmanuel Imevbore

CEO, IC-MI.com
