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Team Building Activities Packages - Gauteng

Corporate Team Building Packages & Coaching
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Robin Drive Fourways Sandton

GO BEYONDTeam Motivation...Go Beyond FUN and games OFFICE STAFF TEAM BUILDING IDEAS in JHB Gauteng

Choose REAL Teamwork improving activities, and ideas, that deliver OUTSTANDING RESULTS in a Productive FUN, enjoyable, intelligent, and effective, team breakaway experience.

Want Something Different? We offer customised FUN, REAL Team Building Events, with Science of Happiness, and The Revolutionary Workplace, foundation system.

Be Smart with something different …. Appreciative & Fun Team Mindset Shifting.

Tribe Leadership Culture And High Performance Teams Building Events Gauteng

Learn how the Science of Happiness team building process can transform your workplace for greater productivity, and improve results- with our Revolutionary Workplace High Performance Team Process.

Be smart, choose more than just fun team buildings events…

Build better team spirit, trust, tolerance,  and enable participants to get to know each other better?

  • Choose your outcomes -Fun, Fabulous or both
  • Choose Event style: Motivational, Inspirational, Transformational or Enlightening
  • get team Members to agree to a positive only focus
  • Focus on Real VISIBLE Results
  • Fun & Life Giving to the Team
  • Transferability of experiences to Life and Work
  • You receive best VALUE and have fun

My Approach To High Performance Team Buildings Events

Level 1: Awaken & Develop the Person

Firstly, we enable individual personal development, growth and wellness.

Our self Mastery activities are designed to be insightful, engaging, powerful and transformative.

The experiential teamwork activities and coaching incorporates our unique
Emotionetics Transformation framework as well as the Science of Happiness @work.

We design them to provide a variety of new, powerful, more empowering…
perspectives, possibilities, behaviors and mind-sets.

These include:

  • Increased Awareness / Consciousness
  • Increased behavioral flexibility
  • Increased Resilience / Confidence
  • Reduced “Mental Static” / Reduced “Baggage”
  • Positive /Appreciative and Happier Mind-set
  • More intentional choices; thinking, action and feelings.
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Level 2: Team Spirit Development

Secondly, we know that effective company team building is only truly accomplished when the team works on its existent business challenges and needs, to create a higher performance context.

By supporting the team members to reflect on their individual and collective work-based experiences, they can better reckon their achievements, challenges and experiences, and then compare that to the desired outcomes.

In a safe and practical environment team members can observe, consider and appreciate how each person normally functions, and how they can collaborate to work together more effectively for lasting benefits to individual and business performance.

With greater awareness, consciousness, flexibility, compassion and understanding, company team members can now plainly pinpoint – in real-world terms – how they can work together to be an even more effective, efficient and resourceful team;

And how they can enhance and developing team resilience and team cohesion.

Aspects that we include in our Corporate Team Building Events packages include:

  • Trust & Trustworthiness
  • Team working
  • Leadership Effectiveness
  • Decision Making
  • Conflict Management
  • Positive Mindsets
  • Diversity
  • Innovation & Creativity
  • Influence & Persuasion
  • Culture , Climate and Context

Life Masters provides optional pre-event research; personal profiles, confidential interviews to ensure that the High Performance Team Building process is designed to directly address existing challenges, needs and hot-spots for greatest leverage and results.

We can also provide post event follow up and team coaching or Executive Coaching to support application of lessons and decisions, and ongoing measurement and evaluation. 

Business Coach 006 And High Performance Teams Building Events Gauteng

LifeShifting & LifeGiving

Our results are LifeShifting for the individual and LifeGiving for the organization because they are;

  • related specifically to the required skill /competencies of individual team members and the team overall.
  • focused on the desired Behaviour Shifts required in the workplace.
  • Business context relevant
  • designed and delivered to meet specific business objectives and people’s developmental needs in a fun and engaging manner.

Be smart… choose REAL Appreciative workplace Team building ideas, activities and events in Gauteng and get real results …

Choose Life Masters for your best value and REAL teambuilding results. 

Call 083-447-6300 Copyright 1994-2021

Ownership of the following programs, workshops, business Keynote talks and product titles are the sole property and propriety of Life Masters.

ThePhoenix Adventure©, Dragon Tamers & Slayers©, The Alchemists’ Journey©, Formula WON©, High Voltage Leadership©, Transformational Team Building©, Emotionetics©, HappinessShift©, Appreciative Plus©, Bullet-Proof Salespeople©, Bullet-Proof-Leadership©, Bullet-Proof Resilience©, Bullet-Proof Service©. Bullet-Proof Coaching©,
1 Minute Wisdom for…©, #AdaptAgility©

Mobile: ++27 83-447-6300 | Johannesburg Office
Life Masters REAL Corporate Appreciative Team building ideas Activities facilitators Gauteng Pretoria Johannesburg South Africa


Frequently Asked Questions

What is High Performance Team Building?

The proven The Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx High Performance Framework is designed to enable and unleash human performance potential, in a safe and supportive context

How Do I Know if the The Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx High Performance system is for me?

If you are serious about truly creating a more productive, happier, healthier team and workplace – then this is for you.

If you have team conflicts blocking productivity, then this process is for you
