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21st Century Sales Skills & High Performance Sales Strategies for Thriving in Tough Times

The technology of sales strategies has leap frogged since the advent of NLP, Neuro-persuasion, EQ, and AQ Transformational and AdaptAgility development.

Why use “Ox Wagon rational technology” to train your Sales Warriors when you can enjoy the benefit of 21st Century Sales Strategies to resolve your ZMOT challenges. (Zero Moment of Truth)

Don’t just be “good”, become AWESOME. If you don’t, your COMPETITION WILL out sell you…

Its time to stand up and be counted as a high performance professional sales person or continue lose out….

Your bottom line depends upon it! Doesn’t it?

Our Revolutionary #AdaptAgility Sales Training Subjects and Sales Activities Covered

  • Selling Strategies
  • Qualifying Prospects
  • Rapport & Trust & Power of Touch
  • Elicitation of Needs/Wants
  • Eliciting Buying Strategy
  • Presenting & Demonstration
  • Active Listening
  • Selling Features, Advantages & Benefits
  • Cashing Objections – Price Vs Value
  • Show Closing Strategies
  • Lead Generation
  • Neuro Persuasion
  • NLP – neuro Linguistic Programming
  • Buyology / Neuro-Buyology
  • Answering Unanswerable questions
  • ZMOT recovery strategies


Personal Presentation & SWIFT Sales Skills

  • Dress for Success
  • Body Language & humor
  • Vocabulary & Jargon
  • Matching, Mirroring, Tone and Tempo
  • Relationship Building = Win/ Win
  • Service Excellence
  • Sensory Acuity
  • Product Knowledge
  • Competitor – Who and What Knowledge
  • Roles & responsibilities
  • Stand Etiquette
  • “P” Factor = Persist, Persuade, Promise, Perform


Ideal Character Traits of High Performance Sales People

  • Consultative approach
  • Outgoing
  • Energetic
  • Adaptive
  • Problem solver
  • Good communicator (80% listen :20% speak),
  • A closer
  • Patient
  • Passionate
  • Knowledgeable
  • Assertive and sales aggressive
  • Confident
  • Integrity
  • Inspiring


Prospects & Visitors

  • Attraction, approach & engage
  • Creating rapport
  • Building instant trust
  • Handling prospects
  • Private/Soho/Corporate
  • Sellable Vs Non sellable
  • Sales Cycles
  • Heavy weight buyers
  • Prospects fears & expectations
  • Managing angry clients


Keeping Yourself and Sales Team Motivated

  • Visions, Values & Goals
  • Handling rejection and “Failure”
  • Visualization
  • Time-Line design
  • Inspiration
  • Physiology and Energy
  • Attitudes & Beliefs
  • Enthusiasm & Excitement
  • Relaxation & rejuvenation
  • Winning attitude
  • Positive Mental Focus (PMF)
  • Getting past “NO”


Putting it All Together

Experiential Action Learning Exercises to allow participants to “try on” the different Mindsets, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and strategies.

For information on how you can pump up your staff’s sales performance with AQ coaching and customised sales training workshops, contact Tony Dovale of Life Masters


About Tony- New ways of acquiring knowledge and competencies- Attitude/ Energy Healing tools –

The new way of Business

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