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Get Your Staff Team Building Events Quote. You get a 50x ROI. This almost pays for itself with the benefits and results.

Corporate Team Building Retreats & Fun Staff Team Dynamics sessions that are memorable and magic

Our FUN-damental staff Team Building events and team activities offer a variety of fun, action-learning, insightful experiences specifically designed to highlight the importance of the right mindsets, good positive relationships, and effective teamwork, communication, connection and collaboration…

We offer 3 levels of experience impact and intensity focus for best business results. The workplace team building activity suggestions are front-loaded, facilitated, and debriefed, to be relevant and insightful, relating to your present
workplace situation and team context.

Sample Staff Team Building Games Activities that are insightful and fun:

We suggest choosing team building results and outcomes first as your priority. Let us, as high performance team building experts design an action-learning process that actually delivers meaningful and memorable impacts.

Some fun and insightful activities we can include in your team session

  • Hula  Traders
  • Food Tower Engineers
  • Blind Fold Twist
  • Giant Jenga Blox
  • Movie Masters
  • Lekker Stakker
  • Puzzle Panic Challenge
  • Formula WON Race game
  • Vision Keepers
  • Hilarious Balloon Frenzy
  • Brain Fitness Games
  • Memory Madness
  • WINSights Personality Insights
  • Stacker Cup Races

Staff Team Building Exercises Activities Suggestions

A selection of group events which involve some physical activity and can vary from light exercise to events which will get your pulse racing! These team building exercises revolve around teamwork. collaboration, communication, connection, and good camaraderie. 

Corporate Team Building Games Ideas

Fun team activities which encourage participants to interact with each other as they get creative, connected and entertain their colleagues through our great team building games!

Effective Corporate Team Building Activities for high Performance Team experiences

Team building activities suitable for teambuilding, staff incentives, entertaining customers or fun days.

Recent Games Team Building events related research and our own research showed:

•  68% dreaded these team “games”.
•  52% found the games childish, useless & embarrassing.
•  up to 23% felt the event was TEAM BREAKING!
•  10% felt very “uncomfortable”.
•  more than 16% felt the event was a waste of time.

Our Alternative….Real TeamShift by Design with Growth-Mindset Mastery and High-Performance Coaching

Looking to have some fun and build better trust, relationships, connection, collaboration and teamwork;  Get to know each other better?

  • Initial intentions and desired outcomes (Fun and Fabulous)
  • Pre Team building Event Research & Preparations
  • The potent Team building activities and Team bonding Process
  • Team Members Positive Experiences
  • Valuable, Real Results
  • Transferability of experiences
  • Sustainability
  • Value you receive

Our philosophy is to design and deliver effective corporate team building programs and services that impact multiple aspects of the individuals’ and the teams, on a head, heart and Soul Level.

Our experiential activities are coached and facilitated using the foundation of:

  • Appreciative Inquiry Teams building
  • The Science of Happiness at Work/ Happy at Work
  • Positive Psychology / Strengths Focus
  • High Resonance Leadership Development
  • Personal Mastery Self Development

Call Tony on 083-447-6300 now leverage your team building into effective Team Dynamics. Life Masters designs and delivers Effective, fun, high performance teamworking improvement events and Appreciative Inquiry action-learning experiences.

