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Expert Team Building Facilitators
Trust & Engagement

GRIT & Growth Mindsets
Happiness@Work Coach

Organisational Culture Change
Social Network Analysis

Improve Staff Morale and Team Spirit with High Performance Team Building Events, that build trust, teamworking, cohesion and AdaptAgility.



Enhance Accountability, Relationships. teamwork, and Trust to Develop High-Performance Team Building Culture.



Shift Mindsets and Attitudes from SLOW to GO…faster, better, SWIFTER…with the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams building events workshops in Sandton, Johannesburg, Gauteng

Choose Staff Development and team building sessions workshops that create High Performance Teamwork. Improve customer Service levels and achieve exponential impacts and results…with Growth Optimised Mindsets and Happiness@Work coaching.

Increase Psychological Capital, Tribal and Neuro Leadership insights. Professionally facilitated customised Team Development with Growth Oriented Mindset Mastery to create High Performance organisational culture.

Every company needs real, positive, effective staff team building exercises and events for employees to connect, commit, communicate and collaborate better…

Tony Dovale Conference Keynote Speaker 18 And High Performance Teams Building Events Gauteng

Gat Your Team Building Quote Here

Tony Dovale Team Building

Your Results With Us

Shift Mindset From SLOW to GO…. Transform workplace dynamics, relationships, trust and teamworking

Tony Dovale Conference Keynote Speaker 18 And High Performance Teams Building Events Gauteng

Real Team Building Workshop Sessions

Mindset Matters And High Performance Teams Building Events Gauteng

Transform your TeamSpirit, Communication, Trust and Performance

Results Are life-changing and Life-Giving

High Performance Team building, Growth-Optimised Mindset Mastery delivers REAL sustainable High Performance RESULTS

“A Change of HEART and Mindset, Changes EVERYTHING!”

Happiness At Work Team Buildings

“Everything we do is designed to… Transform, Inspire, Motivate, Enlighten & ReThink …You, Your People, Your organisation and Results”   .


How You Get 2x to 4x Your Business RESULTS

  • Do REAL Team building that’s fun, potent and effective.
  • Choose a High Performance Organisational Culture Change process
  • Enhance Team Spirit & group dynamics Development
  • Increase Leadership Effectiveness – (Neuro, Higher Ground & Tribal Leadership)
  • Use Social Network Analysis to Reveal your Real leaders
  • Ensure Happiness@ Work & Staff Engagement is enhanced
  • Leverage Human Performance Technology (HPT) as the foundation
  • Use Assessments (360), HPO Profiles and Enagement research to get insights
  • Using the Appreciative Inquiry Strategy – ensures safe, positive inclusive approach
  • Incorporating Blue Ocean Strategy & Innovation – creates new possibilities
  • Optimising Customer Service Transformation – Grows business Potential and results
  • Build Staff Psychological Capital with Better Mindsets for More Commitment
  •  Consciously Constructive approach to embed, GRIT, Care, Compassion and Consciousness

I co-create a world of more… Integrity, Freedom, Love, Abundance, Meaning, Peace and Joy…by providing Workshops, talks, coaching, and training for those who are ready…tofly

I help Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Teams & Success-Oriented people to develop their GO Mindset and leadership skills essential to activating their Souls’ Vision, so they can win at work, truly succeed in life, and leave a loving legacy.

  • Integrity
  • Freedom
  • Love,
  • Abundance,
  • Peace,
  • Joy
  • Life-Changing Experiences with Fun 93% 93%
  • Sustainable POSITIVE Impact and REAL Value 97.5% 97.5%
  • Custom designed Team Building Events 100% 100%
  • Happiness @ Work Building Activities 92% 92%
  • Appreciative Inquiry Positive Business Culture Building 100% 100%
  • Life-Shifting, Mindset Developing and Value Sustainability 100% 100%
Corporate Team Building And High Performance Teams Building Events Gauteng
Revwork Dvd Trans 2018.10 And High Performance Teams Building Events Gauteng

Consciously Constructive Staff and leadership Development Creates Higher Performance workplaces.

Improve Service & Results with GO-Mindsets.

 Happiness@Work develops increased Psychological Capital. LIMITLESS Tribal & Neuro Leadership tools and insights ensure success.


Trust Building workshops & Team Events

High levels of TRUST and TRUSTWORTHINESS are vital to build a high performance team. Most companies have dismal trust levels of around 0-5 out of a possible 10/10. 

Low trust is a “productivity and well-being TAX” that pervades and poisons most workplaces.


The Big C-Factor Matters in High Performance Teams Too

Connection, Communication, Commitment and Collaboration are the vital foundation for a high performance teams.  

Few managers can handle the challenges and try put a plaster over large Cultural conflict “wounds”.

A high performance team, needs high performance leadership, and positive and enabling organisational Culture, that is CLEAR from Static.


Growth-Oriented Mindset Development

Mindset trumps skillset – The right MINDSET makes staff up to 7 times more valuable to an organisation and team.

A Growth / GO Mindset can make Leaders up to 8.4 times more valuable and effective in the organisation.

Do your people have the right mindsets, within a High Performance Organisational culture and a CLEARx Context?

This team building was LIFE-CHANGING, and went way past our biggest expectations!  Awesome Experience with Tony.

Onwell Msomi

GM Coca Cola SA FIFA World Cup Management , Coca Cola SA

Wow! You achieved miracles! – we never believed it possible for our trust levels to be so transformed. You have really helped us to build an amazing foundation.



This was different to any staff motivation event we’ve had – different that it has completely surpassed any expectation I had, and the results I see are phenomenal!!


