Solve Your Executive…
Executive & Exco High Performance Teams Buildings
#ADAPTAGILITY matters in most companies, today, specifically if your People, Teams & Leadership, are to thrive in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Our proven HPO process transforms on 4 levels – PTLC.
Leaders and Executives are the role-models
Executives are the keepers of CONSCIOUSNESS: engagement, meaning, momentum, purpose, accountability, adaptability, agility (ADAPTAGILITY), and High Performance organisational (HPO) Culture that outperform competitors.
Executive Coaching and HPO Team Buildings Events
Coaching, consulting, and expert facilitation, ensures the right ADAPTAGILITY based mindsets, creates an effective foundation for optimising high performance results, in tough, VUCA, times..
Build ADAPTAGILITY to Solve Your Executive Team Performance Problems. Transform Mindsets, Meaning, Teamworking & Trust. Enhance Executive Leadership & Culture.
Optimise Relationships, Energy, Engagement, meaning and mastery.The PROVEN REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Organisation (HPO) framework and CLEARx system, helps Executives create focused, connected, collaborating, committed, engaged, energised, accountable, People, Teams for thriving in the Fourth Industrial Revolution!
Dear Executive Please Note: Conflict, dis-engagement, and Credibility and Connection Issues and constraints, are costing you…
typically about 10% to 12.5%, or MORE… of your MONTHLY salary bill!
Many executives struggle with staff and engagement issues. Especially, with effective team working, communication, collaboration, activating and optimising, their people’s fullest potentials.
This hurts your bottom line and your people!
Leaders, and managers, are responsible to develop motivated, resilient, responsive, agile, high-performing, people and teams, that execute consistently, efficiently, and effectively, to achieve desired results.
By using the ADAPTAGILITY Consciously Constructive philosophy, and CLEARx High Performance framework, executives quickly see improved Culture, Connection, Workplace Climate, Commitment, Trust levels, Collaboration…
and ultimately find this BOOSTS business, staff are happier, more engaged, and eqsyier to manage.

Purpose Driven Exco Teams & High Performance ADAPTAGILE Executives
We’ve developed a REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE frameworks, philosophy, and systems to assist executive teams to become more impactful & higher performing, with more fierce focus on specific areas that matter to results.
The CLEARx HPO framework focuses on building teams with a compelling, clear, and meaningful purpose that transcends “business as usual”, or profit only approach.
The ADAPTAGILE methodology focuses on optimising performance, response-agility, Resilience, adaptability and Balance.
- Provide executive team with a clear understanding of the strengths, areas of concern, and SWIFT actions for improvement, personally, in the team and within departments.
- Build greater consciousness and awareness of personal and peer temperaments styles, and reactions.
- Improve peer coaching skills. Ensure each leader can coach effectively, and hold team members accountable for agreed outcomes.
- Train leaders take responsibility for outcomes within their area of influence and expertise.
- Build stronger Trust, connection, collaboration, and communication between all levels of management.
- Build Consciousness and commitment for executives to hold themselves accountable as role models, resources, sources, and leaders, in leading change.
- Raise awareness and commitment to stronger cross-departmental/branch communication, collaboration, trust and teamwork.
Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching Wisdom: Be strong, but lead with softness: “Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. This is a paradox: What is soft is strong.”
There’s a big difference between controlling a team, and leading a team.
Leading involves respect, collaboration, care, and listening to the team’s thoughts and experiences, instead of making dictatorial decisions.
With care, kindness, consciousness, and commitment, limitless leadership goes a long way to enabling and empowering your teams to deliver outstanding results and enjoy the journey.
So, Be an example: “A good leader guides by good example. A bad leader resorts to force and pressure” “Being calm and contented himself, he sets an example for his people.”

Top 5 Executive Team Building Activities Thoughts
When executives think about workplace team building exercises, they typically consider it is only RELEVANT for office Staff and their lower management teams.
But, even Executives need to work together better as a High-Performance Team to optimise strategic execution, and leadership effectiveness.
Here are 6 exercises that executive must ensure are incorporated into their own leadership team building development experiences.
1. Break the Boss mould – Be a REAL leader.
A great Appreciative inquiry exercise is the get the exec team to share experiences, about their best and worst boss or teams.
Get executives to share the core principles that made a great Executive Team Experience.
What made it great? what did they bring to the process to make it great?
By setting up peer coaching relationships between exco members you help each person to become more conscious and committed, to creating High-Performance Teams.
2. Enhance Exco Communication & Collaboration
Clear Communication is vital for effective execution down the line of responsibility.
The biggest issues in most companies and executive teams is information, decisions, and insights, are seldom communicated clearly and effectivley down to the lower levels in the format or content intended.
Add to this most executive teams are often pitted against each other for promotion and performance results.
This creates a TOXIC exco team space, where honesty, help, openness, and collaboration are lowered dramtically.
3. Creating Experiences that enhance connection and cohesion Executives need to have high trust, tolerance for ambiguity, and fierce focus on SWIFT Actions and strong collaboration.
Typical exco teams are tight groups of around 10 or less.
They need effective Team Dynamics activities that improve consciousness, care, connection, understanding, and collaboration. because these are vital for long-term high performance results.
The executives’ effectiveness and relationships, are a vital foundation for ensuring sustained success..
4. Improve Executive Consciousness and Compassion
In today’s VUCA and ever-tougher trading times, executives must create greater care, consideration, and consciousness, about enhancing their human element and human capital value.
Wellness and well-being matter.
Because talent is restless and the multi generational workplace have more diverse workplace values, demands, and work-life balance expectations.
Executives have to rethink their top down command and control mindset, to explore new ways to retain their top talent and improve teamwork, trust and results.
5. Build a Better Vision and Meaningful Value Proposition
Most staff seldom wake up excited and energised to make more moola for their management. Even more so today the younger generations seek a more sane work- life balance, beyond living to work mindsets.
If executives are to develop a REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE, with High Performance Teams, they need to link their teams’ personal and group visions, hopes and dreams to their organisational direction, meaning, capacity, opportunities, momentum and resources.
The future is about conscious executives who understand the importance of People, Planet AND Profit.
4 Performance Levers to Optimise Your High Performance Team...

PEOPLE: CREATE Right Mindsets
With the Survey FACTS of WHAT WHERE, and WHY… we can now consciously develop your people; mindsets, meaning, motivation and self-mastery, into magic and activated potential.
Create high performance passionate, positive, people, with the energy, engagement, knowledge, tools and excitement, to go exponential!
TEAMS: Build High Performance Teams
The foundation of high performance teams are your people; trust, relationships, and real conversations.
So optimise these with the proven CLEARx, REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE, philosophy, framework & system.
Developed over 45 years and more than R12 Million R&D value. delivers proven, potent, outstanding value for ALL!

LEADERSHIP: Limitless & Conscious
Get the awareness, courage, confidence, coaching, knowledge, tools, credibility, consciousness, and respect, to lead, a high performance team, in a constructive positive culture.
This way you can deliver outstanding results, in tough VUCA times.!
Become a LIMITLESS Leader that enables, energises & empowers exponential impacts and results!

CULTURE: Boost Energy & Engagement
REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE is a complete system with engagement surveys, staff profiles, team climate assessments, and company culture questionnaires, that helps executives to fully understand the REAL issues: people, teams, leadership, & company culture.
This XRAY view dives deep into your company’s SOUL, to predictably build a High Performance Culture.
We Understand Exco’s Challenges and Constraints…
You can feel frustrated or overwhelmed, because of poor performing (or inconsistent) people and teams, hurt morale, motivations, no meaning, no momentum, and slowing business performance. BUT – It’s up to you to SOLVE IT!
This consumes valuable strategic management time, and distracts you from getting the important stuff done.
For most financially-only focussed executives, this soft mushy “people” stuff is challenging…
It can be simple ONLY IF you have the right mindsets, staff engagement, and happy, High Performance, foundations
6 Reasons WHY we're your best choice, because...
1. Revolutionary Workplace System & ADAPTAGILITY
HPO System developed over 35+ years, and more than R20 Million R&D value Invested,
This creates a potent, proven, process, for building higher performance: People, Teams, Leadership & Culture, to thrive in these Tough Times.
2. Holistic End to End Solution
Our Solutions include engagement surveys, hi-performance assessments, culture questionaires, to insight-FULL data Viz revealing all areas measured, plus talks, Coaching, Retreats, Intervention Facilitation, Workshops, Consulting,. and Master classes.
3. Proven High Performance Framework
The CLEARx HPO Framework is an academically validated system, proven to impact your triple bottom lines.
The Philosophy, Framework, and High Performance Organisation (HPO) Systems are Consciously Constructive and specifically human centric.
4. Exponential ROI & Results
Client’s Business improvements anything between 2x to almost 4x annual revenues. Yip!
One client went from R200 Million to almost R800 Million annual revenue from a 2 day intervention.
Client’s EVENT ROi’s are from often > 500% and often better. It pays for itself!
5. Deep & Long-Lasting Impact
Our results are personal, deep, and profound.
We impact people’s heads, hearts and Souls, It’s truly LifeShifting.
Clients have told us their results from our CLEARx HPO Process, have been the BEST they’ve had from any intervention.
6. 100% Customised For Your Workplace.
All of our interventions and action-learning activities are custom designed, to be business relevant, and directly impact the prevailing issues, problems, challenges, and concerns. Each experience is unique to the participants.
Here’s what they say…

5 Phases to Getting Your High Performance EXCO Team
SSOAR-ing: Sustainable, Strong, Optimistic, Agile, Resilient.
1. Assessments & Surveys
– Organisational Culture
– Company Climate
– Change Readiness
– 360 Leadership
– Consciousness
– Self Mastery
– GO Mindsets
– Resilience
– Teamwork
– Conflicts
– Trust
2. Analyse and Discover
Expert data visualization shows conflicts blocking engagement, happiness, trust & collaboration. Uncover the hidden issues in 6 core areas that impact your results and bottom line.
3. Intelligent Decisions
Focus Areas to optimise: People, Planet AND Profits
* Execution
= Results GO
4. Facilitate Interventions
Effective, Fast-tracking
– Talks
– Workshops
– Training
– Retreats
– Coaching
– Peer Coaching
– Manager to Coach
– Team coaching
– Facilitation
Executive Coaching
5. GPS & Momentum
Keep the Flow Going
– Monitor
– Motivate
– Manage
– Measure
– Engage
– Empower
– Optimise
– Celebrate
– Embed
– Ennergise
– Expand Potentials
Our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Team Building Promise
Will it work? Like you, we are frustrated by “business coaches”, team games, and culture change consultants, with fun and fluffy content and grand promises, that seldom stick.
The so called “experts”, often lack the requisite deep human, and business understanding, to create the contexts for results.
Our 45 years of experience, in the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE philosophy, framework, and system, has helped hundreds of businesses, just like yours, to create exponential impacts, with people-growth investment ROI’S, in excess of 200+% to 500+%!
With such deep experience, expertise, and WISDOM, in creating higher performance People, Teams, Leadership, and Culture, you can trust us to become your most valuable partner for pumping up EXCO team performance, passion, potentials, & profits.
This PROOF shows that you can trust, us to partner with you, to achieve OUTSTANDING, impacts, and results.
Get more info on creating a proven process for developing your REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Team
Boost the value and benefits, of your staff contributions, ensuring optimal, team and organisational results.
Use the power of a proven, practical, potent process, to increase ADAPTAGILITY, performance & results, in your organisation
Before you Go…
We have something special to help make your Team Building amazing, FUN, and really meaningful.. beyond kiddies games.

Get your Team Building Special Surprise that will really make a big difference to your team.
Companies must do climate assessments and corporate culture surveys, to understand workplace perceptions. Because of our proven REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE process ROI, our CLEARx HPO system, essentially pays for itself.
It’s an investment in your people.
Choose a proven, practical process for pumping op your performance. Chose the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE!
Get the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE. Take SWIFT Action today…
Contact Tony Dovale. Mobile: ++27(0)83-447-6300
– 35+ Years Experience
+ >R20 Million R&D
Exponential Results.