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Business Facilitators for Optimisation via Strategic Team Building with optional Deep Sea Fishing Safari Retreat


One-of-a-kind Executive Strategic Team Building experience for your business and your Leadership Team in East Africa – /Mozambique.

Blend Teamworking, Leadership Development, Sports Fishing and Business Strategy into a potent 1 week EXPONENTIAL RESULTS experience.

Business is getting more complex and competitive.

Effective Business Strategies and strategic teamworking are vital to creating new markets and business innovations with frameworks like Blue Ocean Strategies, Appreciative Inquiry, High Performance Teamworking, Happiness@work, MAGIC Employee Engagement and CLEARx Exponential Performance Optimisation.

Strategic Team Building Retreats Change Mindsets


Tony Dovale shares the latest research, insights, tools, frameworks, strategies to optimise business performance and create exponential and outstanding business results through transforming your most valuable assets: Your staff.

Their Mindsets, Attitudes, Relationships, communications, Trust levels, Synergy, Commitment, and Focus.

This is a blend of Mind-Grow-Tainment Action Learning, experience that includes Leadership Development, Organisational Culture Redesign, and performance optimisation based upon relevant and confidential staff feedback/ assessments from the CLEARx Exponential Results system.

Every executive leadership team must do regular strategic planning and assessment to ensure business is on track.  

With the internet and fast-paced business challenges, this must be more frequently than once every few years.

This must also have a structured framework that ensures that all bases are covered to avoid missing vital aspects of business best practices. Teamwork is the vital foundation of business success.DSC_0362

Others aspects like products, services, customer service, sales, Marketing, Finances etc all  build upon good teamwork.  

Good teamwork requires individuals to have the right MINDSETs, Skillsets, Relationships and energy.  

By getting out of the office into a new environment, the mind is given new stimuli to begin to create different perspective, possibilities and potential.

So many internal strategic team building breakaways end up being boring, tiring, and offer very little difference from the previous team events.  


By engaging an external expert, Like Tony Dovale, you get

  • fresh thinking and new approaches to problem solving,tonykingy1
  • new insights and information
  • a strategic Framework
  • Structured process
  • engages all aspects of the people
  • Grows positive team dynamics,
  • Gets you better results.
  • deeper and clearer focus and  commitments
  • better relationships  with higher trust, truth and connection.


Effective Strategic Team Building Breaks away from old style team building and strategy workshops

A new environment, brings new energy, new thinking and new possibilities.

By combining a deep sea fishing break away with your strategic team building retreat there is a higher chance of building amazing memories, positive relationships and memorable experiences that create deeper levels of bonding and trust.

To take your executive team to the next level of connection, Trust, teamwork and performance…talk to Tony Dovale on 083-447-6300

