1 Day HPO Leadership Masterclass:
How to build a REVOLUTIONARY, High-Performance, WORKPLACE, with greater AdaptAgility, for thriving in tough times and a VUCA 4.0 World.
You benefit from 35+ Years Experience & over R20 Million in time and money, in high performance Growth-Optimised mindsets & teams research and development.
Expert Facilitators: HPO Developer Tony Dovale – Jeff Phiri – Honest Ncube
Wellbeing, resilience, reconnecting relationships, teamworking, and AdaptAgility, all matter much more today, than before the covid chaos.
The new normal is here. Are your staff disengaged and demoralised? How are you and your people coping with the stress, duress, burnout, loneliness, challenges, and uncertain change?
To support you and your staff, to thrive in these tougher times, we are running a special 1 day REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Masterclass: Optimising People, Teams, Leadership, and Culture, to Thrive in Tough Times with Adaptagility.
We have included resilience Audio’s and Mindset mastery book (Swift Success) to help your people develop growth-optuimised mindsets, greater wellbeing, better teamworking and trust, rebuild relationships, and recreate positive and constructive corporate cultures. Book your seat now.
Venue – Johannesburg / Sandton
Date: TBC / Investment: R3,475
Make Enquiry or Your Bookings Here
Creating a Consciously Constructive REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE with High Performance Workplace / Teams
“If we are to regain our Soul Purpose…to sustainably succeed in the new world of work and business, we must REthink how we are leading, learning, living, loving, and leaving a legacy.

Build a High Performance Organisation (HPO)
The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE is the culmination of over 35+ years of research, and over R15 Million development, in time and money, into creating High Performance Results in People, Teams, Leadership, and Culture, in these tough times.
Learn leading-edge thinking, tools, strategies, and philosophies, for smart companies ready to enable people performance and create a CLEAR culture to deliver exponential impacts and outstanding results.
The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE system is designed to help you understand the 6 pillars of personal, team, and leadership, optimisation, that actually delivers bottom-line impacts, and creates a positive meaningful workplace.
Increase staff Psychological Capital, develop growth-Optimised mindsets, build High Performance teamworking, increase trust, and tolerance levels.
Leverage Limitless leadership, and create a CLEAR and collaborative, High-Performance Connected, committed, collaborative company culture.
Proven CLEARx HPO Framework
At the same time this workshop allows you to develop a unique Revolutionary Workplace strategy, and system, for your business, while ensuring that you actually address the 6 proven CLEARx areas that actually impact results.
The implementation of the Revolutionary Workplace Philosophy, Framework, and System, is an exciting opportunity to re-examine, and rethink, and re-enable, your business structures, workflow, human resource systems, teamwork, and leadership, requirements.
- Why the Revolutionary Workplace.
- Why People, Purpose, Planet & Profits.
- Why The Circular Economy.
- Background & Intentions of Revolutionary Workplace.
- CLEARx High-Performance Proven Framework
- Decode The Power of Culture & Context.
- Creating Limitless Leadership.
- Enhancing Staff Engagement and Energy.
- Appreciative Inquiry Action Approach.
- Mindset qualities that make staff 7X more valuable.
- Why Psychological Capital is important for Success.
- Execution to Excellence for Exponential Impacts
- AdaptAgility Mindsets & skills for enabling greater People Performance
- Gladiator Accountability Protocol to Ensure Results & success.
Who should attend?
- Executives, Leaders, Managers, Supervisors, HR teams.
- Anyone involved or responsible for the improvement of people, teams, leadership, culture performance, impacts, and workplace results.
Workshop Session Methodology:
Our workshops are presented in an, interactive, fun, engaging, action-learning manner. We make use of video, experiential activities, expert presentations, and group exercises, that relate back to business and creating a high performance resilient workplace.
Learning Resources:
Delegates receive workbooks with actionable learning resources, assessments, templates, frameworks, check-lists, and best practices.
Venue: To be Confirmed
Venue as indicated (subject to delegate numbers)
Public 1 Day Masterclass Investment:
- 1 Delegate @R2,975
- 2 Delegates @R2,895ea
- 3 Delegates @R2,795ea
- 4+ Delgates @ R2,595ea
In-House High Performance Events:
This High Performance Organisations (HPO) Masterclass can also be run in-house for minimum of 10 delegates.
Other Packages and Duration:
We offer talks, workshops, retreats, and HPO team buildings ranging from a 1 hour talk, to customised 1day to 5day immersive workshops, as well as executive leadership coaching packages over 120-180 days.
To request an in-house quotation please contact us for a potent people, team, leadership, and CultureShifting, action-learning, experience.
Client Testimonials
- “We almost 4x’d our revenue from R200 Million to R800 Million with Tony’s Work” – Deon IDT Finance
- “We grew from R30 Million to R50 Million, to R100+ Million revenue, from working with Tony” Allison Lovell Oxbow/Lovell Packaging Owner
- “Our Sales doubled within 90 Days from Tony’s coaching” G Clothing
- Tony helped grow income from R112k to R996K/month in 6 months. BOP Broadcast CEO- C Mashlati
Contact Details
Tony Dovale, CEO