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Organisational Company Culture Change

Company / Team Culture Background

Organisational Culture: ”The way things get done around here.”

Or a more formal version (Schein) Organizational culture: “A pattern of shared basic assumptions that a group has learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.”

All business leaders need to know about “Organisational Culture” because it’s a primary influencer and/or hindrance that directly impacts mindsets, actions, and performance, AND RESULTS.

In a team or organisation Culture accounts for up to 50%+ variance in results. That’s a HUGE influence that most managers and leaders struggle with!

Tribe Leadership Culture And High Performance Teams Building Events Gauteng

Tribal Culture Prevails in VUCA Times

Organisational Culture and the TRIBE’s identity is often times BIGGER than the leader. So many leaders are aware of something that seems to hinder or enable their effectiveness.

But they just aren’t sure on how to wrestle with this intangible, powerful force that pervades every corner of their work domain. Like a swimming pools’ PH… Acidic or alkaline.

NOTE: Organisational Culture is not a Foundation or CORE cause in the beginning…

Culture becomes a CONSEQUENCE of numerous factors like People, teams and leadership. But CULTURE does become a cause in the feedback loop of the workplace and environment.

  • Experience
  • Meaning making
  • Reaction
  • Impacts
  • Feedback
  • Decision

Culture is Hierarchical, Visible, and Invisible…

There are differing components of Organisational Culture to be aware of. Each level is DEPENDENT upon the lower level – Like a stair-step hierarchy.

  • Level 1 : Behavioral (Visible): Culture can be seen in behaviors and external signs… or artifacts and rituals.
  • Level 2: Psychological: (Somewhat Visible) Values, Beliefs, Attitude …Knowledge
  • Level 3: Philosophical: (Less Visible) Like mindsets, Approach to issues, What’s NB
  • Level 4: Invisible: Reactions, Time sort, Meta Programs, Meaning Making, Talents
  • Level 5 – COMPLETELY hidden – Worldview: Motivations, Drives, Self-Perception, Self- Identity and Purpose.

Culture is a REACTION to 2 core components;

1. External forces / influences and

2. Internal rewards, inputs memories, meaning, reactions, responses and needs.

If you are going to impact your organisational culture in a positive and sustainable manner – you need to dig deep into the core… fully engage the participants in reengineering IDENTITY, MEANING, CONNECTION and Actioning Achievement.

You cannot directly change “Culture”. You have to change what causes and creates the “Culture” – There are 5 scientifically validated areas that are of most value to building a High Performance Organisational (HPO) & Culture.

