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REAL Team Building Events with Appreciative Inquiry(Ai) +Happiness At Work

Creating a revolution of peak performance in your workplace! Appreciative Inquiry and High AdaptAgility Leadership

Fun– Interesting– Powerful– Growing- Building = Appreciating and Supporting

Appreciative Inquiry;“… it is through language that we create the world, because it’s nothing until we describe it.  And when we describe it, we create distinctions that govern our actions.  To put it another way, we do not describe the world we see, but we see the world we describe.” –Joseph Jaworski. Happiness is a choice of cause, not a consequence of effect.

Appreciative Inquiry as a positive strengths based focus… follows a common path:appreciative inquiry team building facilitators

  • Approach the process with a POSITIVE and FUN focus and frame of reference
  • Discovery (conducting Appreciative interviews and identifying the positive themes and life-giving forces)
  • Dream (developing provocative propositions for the desired future)
  • Design (integrating wishes for positive future with plans for changes to structure, systems and processes)
  • Destiny / DO it! (Making it happen & ensuring sustainability Action towards achievement – response-able, resilient & R.E.A.L.)

Team /Tribe CultureShift Methodology 

Our Team /Tribe CultureShift Methodology is a powerful blend of Personal Transformation, Positive Psychology, Ai, Team/Tribe Transformation, Values Based Leadership development and the Science of Happiness; facilitated in a way that delivers profoundly MindShifting and LifeShifting results on multiple levels…that are long lasting and visible.  

Appreciative Inquiry, Tribal Leadership and Happy@Work is a more effective way of approaching motivation, inspiration, planning, leadership, peak performance, problem-solving, relationships, communications, effective teamworking, diversity & conflict management…Where the results last! And it’s FUN!

Our Appreciative Inquiry + Happy@Work comes from a core set of assumptions. These are:

1. In every society, organisation or group, something works well.
2. What we focus on… becomes our reality. So focus on Fun & successful achievement.
3. Reality is created in the moment, and there are multiple realities.
4. The act of asking questions of a person, or group influences the group/person in some way.
5. People are more confident to journey to the future (unknown) when they carry forward parts of past (known).
6. If we carry forward parts of the past, they should be what is best about our past.
7. It is important to value our differences.
8. The Mindset and language we use creates our reality and experience – Build Psychological Capital.
9. Everyone has everything they need to succeed within themselves right now.>br />10. Trust-building & Relationship development can be dramatically accelerated and fun.
11. Happy, Challenged and Inspired people will achieve way more than just talent with skills and a bad attitude.

  1. Positive Mindsets & Psychological Capital impacts every aspect of performance, health, creativity, relationships, results, etc.

Whilst these may seem obvious, we know from our own experience that we can… look at what isn’t working and start “problem-solving”. This pulls us backwards/downwards rather than forwards /upwards. 

If we focus on past difficulties, people become defensive and feel that life is hopeless and de energized. 

But when we ask them about their successes, hopes, passions and dreams…they become enthusiastic, more energized and more optimistic again… and explore new possibilities…with renewed energy, passion and fun.


Tangible Results

 The tangible result of the Ai/Sohaw/Tribal Leadership process is a series of statements that describe where the person or organisation wants-to-be, based on the best moments of where-they-have-been.

Because these statements are based in real experience and history, people know how to repeat their success. They have created before, they can create once again.

The purpose is to reconnect with the life-giving forces of what-is-working, and then go beyond that to, what-could-be… we awaken consciousness and expand our paradigm of possibility. It’s about Self-Mastery, Autonomy and real Purpose/Meaning – together.  And we all have immense fun participating.


* Discovery : What do you want more of? – Tell me about those times in your career when you felt most alive, engaged, energized; when everything worked to produce the desired results.

What factors in the environment, organization or team contributed to this wonderful experience? What did you do to contribute?  What do you value about yourself as a professional and what you have to offer?

What is the core factor which gives life to your work, without which work would not be the same? What 3 wishes would you make to enhance the life and vitality of your work and life? 

* Dream: Guided imagery or visualisation followed by the sharing and creation of story, picture, song, etc. which depicts the ideal future-work-situation. Creation of the ideal job description, work culture, leadership / life style or experiences. 

* Design: Creation of a purpose statement. Creation of a resume geared to the desired situation. Creation of a profile of the ideal company. Evolution of a strategy for creating incredible experiences, positive workplaces and lifestyles. 

* Destiny: How do you make a difference that really makes a difference on a sustainable basis, that fits in with your passion, values, talents & capabilities. How do we create a place where we can spark, grow & choose happiness…daily? 

* DO-IT!:  What can you do right now to move powerfully and energetically towards your purpose in an incremental, step by step process, supported by resilient self-sustaining energy, passion and positive teamwork.

“The truth is that within each one of us lies the power to cast all misery aside and to KNOW complete Peace and Oneness – to BE that beautiful creation of perfect harmony – to truly know (help) Myself.”  – Mary Burmeister

 for REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Specialist team building packages that  transforms mindsets, meaning relationships, trust, team spirit and results.

