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Is it the End of the Lone Leaders…Paradigm?

or do we need to Grow Limitless Leadership Through The Revolutionary Workplace approach?

Lone Leaders are no longer useful, or significant, in ensuring long-term success in this VUCA and Fourth Industrial Revolution  context…but…Long live… Limitless Leadership!

“From my almost 45 years of experience and wisdom from my talks, workshops and multi-day interventions for optimizing staff mindsets, high-performance teams, Limitless leadership, Clear cultures, and exponential results… these are my thoughts for thriving in the workplace of high impact leadership effectiveness and the new World of Work.”

Tony Dovale

We know that leadership is just 1 part of the exponential results puzzle. 

Effective leadership is 1 of the greatest levers for ensuring thriving and winning in an unpredictable world.  Are your leaders ready for what’s coming next? Do you have pervasive leadership on every level of your organisation?

Today’s business context is increasingly challenging. Leaders struggle to effectively anticipate and respond to problems and opportunities on their own.

Problems and opportunities are more multi-dimensional and ever more complex, requiring solutions that rely on, and optimize, greater staff collaboration, empowerment, influence and inspiration, as opposed to formal leadership authority, expertise and leadership-force.

We live in a globally interdependent and symbiotic world, which requires a revolution of, and in, the workplace, and leaderships approaches that are no longer valuable in an increasingly VUCA context.

Assumptions, old models and paradigms must be challenged and updated to be relevant and robustly applicable across the organisation, because change has accelerated unpredictability, competition is ever-increasing, and increasing complexity is the norm.

These circumstances have created new contexts with larger and less predictable challenges, for leaders, teams, people, and the entire organisational success and well-being. New mindsets are required to ensure success.

Leaders and their teams have to let go of old-style thinking and outdated mindsets. They must relearn how to see, think and act differently.” The primary challenges that are forcing leaders to rethink leadership include:

  1. Problems and opportunities are now less foreseeable, more multi-dimensional and more complex or competitive.
  2. Power from Leadership-force and positional authority and control is less effective, and shifted to centered on influence, empowerment and inspiration.
  3. Leaders need to effect positive change, sometimes remotely… That is no longer first order change, but transformational, pervasive and exponential.
  4. Thinking and actions, must be based upon EMERGENT and evolving thinking and mindsets. as opposed to old-style problem-solving and reactivity.
  5. Staff and teams need to be more connected, committed, mentally developed and empowered within a positive empowering CULTURE that supports achieving optimum performance potential.


Leaders have to rely on all stakeholder to provide mindsights, inputs and considerations for their source and consequences, in their decision making approach, as they now have to contend with multiple communities and stakeholders, that contribute information or insights, and are impacted or involved, in more day to day decisions.

These stakeholders include: staff, shareholders, value-chain teams, communities, industry controllers, governments, associates and “allies” who span various industries, boundaries and vested interests across the globe.

Authority And Power To Force, Must Shift From Control to… Influence, Enablement, And Inspiration.

The moment you have more people involved in the decision making process, leaders are left with less control of the situation, execution and outcomes. It’s much like… “Herding cats, in the dark”.  This means requisite leadership must be distributed to every level.

To be most effective, positional leadership authority and power must now be distributed down the line, to high-performance teams. With staff who are inspired, suitably skilled, right-thinking, agile, resilient passionate with the right MINDSETS, to be able to execute effectively and sustainably.

Command-and-control mindset is the kiss of death when the tribe rejects the authority of a positional leader or authority. Influence, energy, clarity, collaboration, potential activation, and empowerment are now the new currencies of leadership power and exponential results.

People, Planet AND Profits

Leaders can no longer easily coerce, tempt or compel staff to bring their best to the game, for greater shareholder profits.  Meaning, mastery, purpose, passion and growth, are much more important for the rising generations.  The millennial staff demand transparency, clarity and greater consciousness that supports…People, Planet and Profits.

Leaders need to balance purpose-led passion, personal meaning and their usual business commitments. They must also be ever-learning experts on the business and its contexts and constraints and the very bigger picture.

They’re also required to be outstanding role-models, who inspire, empower, energise, and activate greatness in each and every staff member, with a greater purpose and meaning that supports People, Planet AND Profits.

Who Holds The REAL Power In This New Workplace and Leadership Context?

The Tribe/s!  Because change is so rapid…today’s context, challenges and leadership approach requires greater mindfulness, more recognition of the interdependence, and the need for constant Just-in-time, collaboration, influence, and the sharing of authority and power to act…closer to the front line.

Because information grows and flows faster, plus business landscape shifts quicker, leaders’ mindsets have to shift from controller and forceful-commander, to conductor, orchestrator, bridge-builder and coach.

Transformational Energy Drivers

Leaders no longer have x number of simple performance impacting leavers to pull to easily adjust alignment, execution and results.  The top-down power-push needs to be replaced with a more inclusive, tribal-circle, approach to getting the best out of people, where information, energy, inspiration and power flow in all directions, from all levels.

This allows leaders to Increase their influence as a leader, to truly connect with, understand, energise, empower and inspire their people and teams. Leaders are the transformational energy driver, REFRAMERS, and glue of the new Revolutionary Workplace that thrives in chaos and uncertainty.

In an instant gratification, less forgiving, world, where businesses used to evolve slowly, You don’t have the time for sluggish business as usual. Agile and high-performance teams must be fiercely focused, empowered, energised and set free to achieve optimum results.  The leadership tolerance for less control, and mistakes, has to be greater.

The Right Mindsets Are The MAIN Foundation.

Change is a big challenge if its approached as change-as-usual. With old mindsets and no real meaning, staff struggle to shift and change the way they usually do things.

With the right mindsets, more meaning and self-mastery, they can begin to understand that “transformation” is not only racial transformation and inclusion, but a required and desired shift in the way things have to be done, to ensure a flourishing, positive and thriving workplace.”

Make Your Staff 7x More Valuable

Staff require assistance with developing their new mindset qualities that make them up to 7x more valuable in this Revolutionary workplace.

As challenges are increasingly emergent, to thrive in this new more competitive and complex context, staff also require flexibility, adaptability and resilience as the foundation for future growth.

Leaders must also leverage the knowledge, insights, information of their teams and associates to navigate the wild waters of change, using the emergent “wisdom of their tribes.”

This means that people need help with adjusting, improving and aligning their new mindsets and viewpoints, in order to fully contribute and thrive in a workplace of emergent challenges.

Out Of The Box Into the Digital Frying Pan

The most effective staff and leaders are the ones who can most swiftly unlearn, let go, and relearn more effective mental and mindset models that enables out of the box thinking, innovation, meaning-making and actions, that achieve exponential impacts and results.

Through total tribe synergy and collaborating, leaders can harness the full passion, knowledge, mindsets and skills of their high-performance teams and people.

For leaders who are struggling with the deluge of digital decisions and consequences, this will help them to accelerate their learning how to leverage the power and influence of digital/social media. This also helps them understand the risks and ramifications of getting it wrong in a highly responsive and fluid multi-generational context.

Appreciative Inquiry Wisdom in Positive Questions

The best way to navigate, create and optimize an inclusive Revolutionary Workplace is to start by asking provocative questions.  How do we co-create:

  • New leaders who can acquire relevant knowledge, skills and mindsets?
  • Teams that have the technical as well as systemic and social understanding skills and mindsets?
  • Staff who swiftly make sense of the chaos recognize an act on next best actions that deliver exponential impacts?
  • A culture that empowers, energises and inspires high-performance teamwork, trust, passion and pride?
  • A workplace context where people connect, collaborate, communicate, reduce racism, and can bring out their best…together?
  • How do we optimize empowerment and execution that requires less “positional leadership force?”
  • Limitless Leaders on every level?


 Shift Fixed Mindsets From Survive To Thrive and Grow

To thrive in an increasingly connected and complex business context everyone needs to become more enabled, involved and invested in a few core shifts.

  • Ongoing growth and learning how to better see and understand greater complexity…swiftly.
  • Stakeholders; Staff, partners, associates, stakeholders must connect and network to become sources and resources to provide a zoom, and wide-angle, lens for viewing the ever-changing challenges and landscape.
  • To work effectively, in more uncertainty, on the edge of chaos, and rapidly shifting contexts.
  • To develop people who are resilient, flexible, agile and high-performance teamwork action oriented.
  • To develop mindsets and a culture that can see problems/opportunities in new ways and respond most effectively.
  • To communicate, engage and take people on the journey with you, in ways that builds clarity, connection, commitment, understanding and accountability.
  • To build a right mindsets, high-performance teams, and a culture that is more conscious, self aware and self optimizing, in a way that they better understand the implications of their decisions, actions and interactions on upstream and downstream impacts.
  • Create a culture where fear and risk-avoidance are removed and confidence is built, making it safe and satisfying to explore and seize new opportunities that advance ans ensure the business, teams and individuals success.


The Revolutionary Workplace Quest

The journey to building a Revolutionary Workplace with Limitless Leadership begins with a quest. A leadership quest to create a more energized, empowered, effective organisation, teamwork (Revolutionary Workplace), resilient and resourceful people, who can review, rewire, renovate, rejuvenate and rapidly refocus their efforts and actions, to regularly reinvent and deliver, exponential impacts and results.

The Revolutionary workplace – System incorporates the CLEARx -High Performance Framework, and philosophy, and the Killa Company Reinvention Process, to get your people and teams… thinking, feeling and acting in new, more effective, inspiring and innovative ways, that enables them to flourish, achieve their full potential at work, and deliver sustainable exponential impacts and results.

The Revolutionary Workplace Appreciative Approach

By asking provocative, positive and empowering questions, in a safe and trust-building context that opens new possibilities and potentials to be surfaced, you begin to build involvement, contribution, commitment and limitless leadership on every level. You take leadership from positional-power to a pervasive mindset on every level of the company.

This means Lone Leaders are no longer ideal or optimally beneficial…Leaders’ jobs are to build more leaders, and more leadership throughout the organisation.

SWIFT Action Plan

So what 3 concrete action steps can you take today to begin to develop, optmise and engender limitless leadership throughout your organisation? What SWIFT actions can you take that are:

  • Strategic & Synergistic
  • A Win-Win deal
  • Inspiring and with Integrity
  • Freedom Building, Fun and Focused on REAL results
  • Trust-building and transformative on ALL levels of the organisation

We know of clients who have 2x to 4x’d their results and impacts by following this new Revolutionary Workplace and Limitless Leadership Approach.

To get your free audio or cheat sheet on the Revolutionary Workplace or CLEARx High Performance framework email LIinkRevwork@coachfree.com . To see if you qualify for a free business talk (Value R25,000) or team tune-up session at www.lifemasters.co.za/free-teambuilding-gauteng1/

or call 083-447-6300 to explore more..


