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Transform Your teamworking with our new Revolutionary Workplace #AdaptAgility & HPO Team Building System.


Tired of conflicts, low morale, bad attitudes, and disengagement, in your teams?
Need a way to build higher-performance, happier teams, with greater trust, teamwork, connection, communication, collaboration, engagement, and #AdaptAgility?

The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE #AdaptAgility System is your best solution. It’s the proven HPO process to enabling greater people, team, and Leadership, performance. .


Our proven HPO People & team building system reduces conflicts and disengagement, builds Growth-Optimised Mindsets and Resilience, and cultivates a positive cohesive work environment, and organisational Culture, where your people and teams can thrive.

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FULLY CUSTOMISED TEAM BUILDING EVENTS in Gauteng / South Africa Nationwide

Some of the benefits of our team building consulting services include:

The Revolutionary Workplace System is based on proven principles, tools, and techniques, tested and refined over 35+years.

Our team building consulting services are perfect for companies looking to:

Our expert Team Coaches work with you to understand your specific challenges faced by your teams / organization, and tailor a customized solution, that will help you achieve your goals.

With the Revolutionary Workplace High Performance Team Building System, you can expect:

• Reduced conflicts and disengagement, leading to a more harmonious and productive workplace

• Increased connection, communication, trust, and teamwork among team members, promoting a collaborative and supportive work environment

• Greater engagement and AdaptAgility, allowing your team to be Response-Agile, respond quickly, and effectively embrace change





Totally Risk Free

Our Team Building Quotes & Client Testimonials prove that you can trust us with your team.


Limited Groups

Our Deepest HPO REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Process works best with teams of 8-25. We can do larger, it just means that the facilitation intensity is not as deep as the smaller groups.


Unbeatable Value & Team Building Benefits - More Than 50x ROI

Based on over 35+years of experience, expertise, and over R15 Million investment in time and money.

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learn from each other to GROW GO MindsetS

Everybody has something to learn, and everybody has some valuable experience and wisdom to share.

My process with participants will be a bidirectional exchange of knowledge, and needs.

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HPO Framework Helps ENSURE Success

As part of the Team Building Coaching process we will be  sharing secrets to leveraging people, teams and technology to thrive in VUCA times and unleash your fullest business potentials

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Leverage our 35+years Experience

Discover how  you can  benefit and fast-track your success  through understanding the Team dynamics and the HPO framework.

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Growth-Optimised Mindsets Matter

As we move into the 4th Industrial revolution, we will need to embed,  rewire and engage Growth-Optimised Mindsets, attitudes and approaches.  Discover the steps for potent mindset rethinking & Rewiring.

Tony’s REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Research and development

High Performance Teams Research & Development

Contact us ASAP to schedule a free consultation and take the first step towards a happier, healthier, higher performance, and more productive, people and teams.

We look forward to the opportunity to work with you to create optimal People Performance Enablement, and help you achieve your goals.


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Client Feedback

We work with a wide variety

We help business clients to unleash the fullest potentials and performance of their People, Teams, Leadership and Culture, in a meaningFULL, Motivating, and masterful, manner.


Growth-Optimised, high #AdaptAgility Mindsets Matter


Team building and trust building are vital for thriving


Leadership makes or breaks the team performance


Culture, conditions and climate dominate the control constraints

Ready to Apply…Now?

We work with all kinds of teams, who are ready to release the limitation and constraints and collaborate to build a HPO that thrives in Tough Times.

Browse client experience comments

-We just didn’t know where to begin to solve all of our problems- You have given us a second chance at life in this team!! Amazing – LEON CEO Std Bank Compliance – Africa

– This event was the most outstanding experience I’ve ever had. Every company should do this. We definitely need this – HR Manager Nissan

– I want to thank you for giving me my SPARK, and my LIFE, back! This team session was a totally life-changing experience for me. OPP Kimberly.

High Performance Team Building Events Gauteng

Our Clients gain substantial advantages over thir competitors, because of the proven system and High Performance Teams Leadership Coaching Process.

Life Masters

Unleashing the power of people performance enablement though High Performance Teams Process, Limitless Leadership Coaching and Mentoring.


Tony Dovale: CEO

Mobile 083-447-6300

46 Robin Drive
