Testimonials & Proof of Our Amazing Team Building Events Value, Impact, & Results
Why Do Revolutionary Workplace Team Buildings Events/ Team Development?
BECAUSE with our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance & ADAPTAGILITY Teams Framework, Philosophy and proven System, YOU get 50x to 100x ROI Value, impacts and outstanding results, that last, way better than “motivational stuff”.
Our #FutureFit Executive Team Gauteng Building Events & Staff Development Workshops and Retreats are totally unique:
1. The High-Performance Corporate and staff team building/ GO Mindset events activities are refined over 45 years
2. Our Organisational Leadership & culture change management programs impacts, Mindsets, Meaning, motivation and momentum.
3. We create potent shifts in The Teamwork, Trust, Connection, Communication, Collaboration & Commitment.
4. You get sustainable dramatically improved; staff engagement, happiness, well-being, bonding, and resilient mindshifting results.
5. Our Consciously Constructive approach to people first development achieves amazing results for People, Planet AND Profits.
WHY? Because we realistically evaluate your teams’ circumstances… Then create innovative and effective, results-driven, measurable, Appreciative Team & Leadership development retreats, that are based upon REAL, and workplace relevant, mental/ mindset growing team building activities.
This ensures sustainable, effective, experiential action-learning methodologies, that deliver results that are meaningful, and last.

By working with our leading-edge business Team Building Teams events and tools, and our new Consciously Constructive employee engagement perspectives, you achieve the best value and results.
Life Masters Team coaches and expert facilitators, offer advanced strategies, powerful development tools, and innovative perspectives, delivered by committed, skilled, highly-engaged, coaching and facilitation experts & strategists.
We also have additional key competitive advantages that make us the best Appreciative Inquiry & AdaptAgility Team Building Partner for you.
Together, they translate into a powerful and smart business decision for you and your organizational teamworking and trust building …If you CARE about #FutureFit REAL results in a VUCA world.
How We Partner With Our Clients to ENSURE Optimal Results
- Pre and Post event interviews and profiling / assessments ( Resilience, happiness@work, EQ, Leadership, Stress, Trust levels, Social Network analysis, Employee Engagement, Workplace Climate, Leadership 360, etc)
- Vast range of Personal Transformation Experience – over 45 years
- Advanced high impact ADKAR change-management technologies
- Most EFFECTIVE team Dynamics transformation approach that goes deep and lasts long
- Totally responsive and customised workplace change and Culture Development solutions to address the REAL key issues
- Ongoing staff Support and leadership coaching focused on measurable results
- Leading-edge Appreciative Inquiry facilitation to be inclusive, safe and positive
- Committed to a Win-Win partnership that delivers results on multiple levels – People, Teams, Leadership Culture and Business./li>
- Best Value for investment and ROI with long-term efficacy.
- We enhance PERSONAL Psychological Capital and impact Business Value on multiple levels.

Corporate Team Building Workshop Session Quotes and Testimonials
- We just didn’t know where to begin to solve all of our problems- You have given us a second chance at life in this team!! Amazing – LEON CEO Std Bank Compliance – Africa
- I can already see a positive shift in the team from just half a day so far… Ockert. HRD Vesuvius Mining
- This event was the most outstanding experience I’ve ever had. Every company should do this. We definitely need this – HR Manager Nissan
- I want to thank you for giving me my SPARK, and my LIFE, back! This team session was a totally life-changing experience for me. OPP Kimberly.
- The team building / staff development you did with us at OPP, was the BEST Team Development intervention we have ever had in over 20+ years. It went deepest, delivered most incredible impacts and results. And the impacts lasted the longest I have ever seen. – Neels – Snr Manager @ OPP
- I am so impressed with the power and effectiveness of your REAL team building process. I have done many team buildings, but I never experienced something like this where we get to the real heart of the people. The other team buildings are just “feel-good-for-a-moment” and leave you with nothing… This was amazing! I want you to come and facilitate the rest of my IDT teams… Mr Ayanda Wakaba (Wakes) Executive Head of DPS Independent Development Trust
- Hi Tony… We are moving on really well. The team has gotten so much closer to each other. The day after you were with us, we made agreements on ways of working. We have come up with ways for the reps to interact with each other on a more regular basis. The great thing I see now is that people are giving each other compliments and calling each other for help. Trust has massively gone up. My main objective now is to build upon that momentum. Thanks again for your great help …. Regards, Chris …Nutricia… PS even in my private life it has made a difference, I am now so much more aware of the fact that I have a “choice” on what I choice to feel like, been a major eye opener.
- What we achieved today in our team building is quite amazing and incredible. Our office just aren’t ready for this new amazing team – they are going to wonder what on earth has happened. Incredible! – Ann – SAMA
- I arrived this morning not feeling very happy, and now I almost cannot believe how good I feel right now! Rika
- After Tony facilitated a half day team building with us we almost quadrupled our business to around 800 Million! That’s why we chose them again for this years session.. because our last session was truly amazing. Deon – IDT
- I’m leaving this team building feeling blissful! – Malebo
- Dear Tony, on behalf of the team, I would like to thank you for a truly enlightening and potentially life changing experience. As I mentioned at the end of the session, we have conducted many team building exercises before, but the difference with this one was that over and above breaking down barriers within the team, it also made us focus on key leadership aspects that we as the executive team should be prioritizing in leading our organization. It also enabled us to build up trust within the team which should make us stronger as we go forward into the future. The onus is now with us to leverage on what we learned from the session and ensure a sustainable improvement in our leadership practices and team work. Once again thank you for your facilitation of what turned out to be a unique experience for all of us. Andile Mvinjelwa, Managing Director, SA Mint.
- After only 1 day of teambuilding activities, facilitated by Tony, I could see a marked improvement in the coherence of the 35 people in my workplace TEAM. I am writing this 3 months after the event, and still this continues – a real lasting impact. I realize that real teambuilding means work, not merely group entertainment. The stop-start-continue list which we drafted in the session gave us concrete stuff to work on, and we keep reminding ourselves of this through regular stock-taking of where we are. I would recommend Tony with no hesitation, both for the content of his program and for his personal style. Elizabeth van Renen: Director International Trade, National Department of Agriculture
- There is only one word to describe the team building session at Bakabung – “POSITIVE”. My team and I are committed and honest. What I said… I will do – I am doing and so are my team members. My experience is that we (team) are far more relaxed and open as before. I see my team totally different (positive) than before. I see SUPPORT, TRUST, HONESTY, HUMOUR and SPIRIT in my team. I had a super experience at the team building event and I seriously think we need to escalate it down to our subordinates – Cassie Impala Platinum Mines Rustenburg
- This has been a life-changing and team changing event for our organisation. What we’ve achieved is unique, and never before been achieved with other team buildings – We are so connected to each other and have such a renewed sense of trust and understanding. REPSSI Director
- This team building was life-changing and went way past our biggest expectations. Onwell Msomi – General Manager Coca Cola South Africa FIFA World Cup Management team)
After this amazing team building session I feel more liberated and more trusting towards my team members – Rural Dev
- The session helped me to reflect on my interactions & leadership. It also empowered me to grow as a person and as a leader – Thanks!! Rural Dev
- I am Inspired and I am a new person, looking forward to putting into practice the lessons I have learnt – Portia
- I have learnt about keeping my word and how I can positively contribute to the success of the team – Rural Dev
- Above expectations. I leave with a positive mindset and attitude and more determination – Rural Dev
- We are now a loving and supportive team, willing to work together – rural dev
- I am now inspired to be a leader to my co-workers – Steve R
- A REAL valuable and powerful eye-opening team building experience – Andy
- A very intensive and educating experience, it has transformed our team on every level – anon
- An uplifting experience and it has set foundations for our success. My confidence has improved! – Rural Dev
- I Learnt that we can and will only be a better team. It was life-changing experience! Rural Dev
- It has been exciting and the experience … life-changing – Rural Dev
- It was a brilliant experience! Really Life-changing – Rural Dev
- It has been experience that opened my eyes & to value team dynamics more – Rural Dev
- Tony & Debbie delivered way beyond what we were expecting from a team building event – John Barker Assistant GM Coca Cola (USA) FIFA World Cup Management team
- I feel calm and at peace – I now really value and appreciate my team members – Julio (Repssi)
- This was life-changing for me – I’ve got to know my team mates really well and our trust levels have skyrocketed – G Petlele Coca Cola South Africa HR FIFA World Cup Management team
- Tony…Thank you for the extreme 2 days, it was really an eye opener and a bring you down to earth experience. Although we are only back for three days I can already say that there is a change and awesome team work has begun, I am really looking forward to what the team will achieve in the long run ahead – Matthias E&H
- “Awesome!!… improved my self-confidence and my commitment to clear goals” – Helen, Willow Park Conference Center.
- “It was life changing. This really was mind and life changing”- Bosman
- This was different to any team building we’ve had – different that it has completely surpassed any expectation I had, and the results I see are phenomenal – Fikile (Repssi)
- I feel calm and at peace – I now really value and appreciate my team members – Julio (Repssi)
- The experience has been totally unlike any other team building in the sense that it has affected me at a personal level. It certainly forced me to look at what is really important – Anita
- “My expectations were totally surpassed” – Jenny
- Tony’s team building & High Performance Coaching work has made a noticeable and dramatic difference in our Call Center team – Paul De Waal – Snr Manager Customer Services Makro Call center
- “The last day of my Phoenix Adventure workshop rates as one of the 10 most amazing things I have ever done” – Patrick
- “ABSOLUTELY AWESOME are the only 2 words I can use to describe the feelings, thoughts and energy experiences that I experienced today” – Darryl
- “In every possible way it touched every point in my life. 10 out of 10. Workshop leader was awesome” – Zelda People Placement Co
- The workshop helped me to find myself and to love myself. I know I can go higher – Belinda
- “I never expected to get out what I did. EVERYBODY in business should do this course. I call it Lifeline!! Tony is amazing. I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for what he taught me – Thuli – Lafarge Cement
- Thanks for your support and input which have changed my life at home and work. No problem or challenge is too big to overcome in my life. Nothing will get me down!! Regards Chris
- I must admit – my team IS genuine and the change is incredible. The support, openness, love and “warm fuzzies” are definitely there. The experience of the team building session at Bakabung was worth every cent. You did wonders and thanks to my team – C – Impala Platinum
- Hello Tony, what a positive influence you have had on my life. I am not sure how you thank someone for something so significant, so I am sending you warm fuzzies instead. I am paying it forward! Namaste’ – K
- …I just wanna drop a note and SHOUT OUT a BIG THANK YOU!!!!!!!! For the Life changing experience I had @ the Teambuilding session.
You guys are awesome and I know the LORD will continue to use YOU to change millions of other people’s lives… pls…pls…pls… don’t ever change your Spirit coz with that Spirit that You have, You’ll will continue to grow and grow…and in the process …also help other people like ME to grow and learn of the awesome power that one has within… I Pray GODS’ blessings over You’ll….Yours in Debt…Eugene – Don’t expect a Miracle Be the MIRACLE….. - This team building exceeded my expectations by far! All people bonded as one! Workshop leaders were awesome! – Sune’ (Provincial Director Office of the Public Protector)
- MY “LOVER” SAYS I MISS YOU!!! I would like to thank you for the wonderful knowledge you have given to us about how to stay free in life. My life has changed forever, I am a totally new person now and I understand my team and my family better, I respect them, and even honest to them. When I arrived home on Wednesday I shared all the good things that we have done and the experience we gained from the workshop with my husband and he was so excited to hear about the good news and wish to attend the workshop one day. I am happy today because of you and I will teach my kids to live their lives free. Memories will last forever. Thanks!!Bethusile Nyalunga
- This was not only a workshop but a life changing experience for me personally. 100% impact on my life – Keitumetsie (OPP)
- I could not have asked for anything better – It was Awesome. Thank you for making the difference in the OPP and a difference in my own life/ Heart – Elizabeth Taylor Senior Admin Officer OPP
- It transformed my life – I’ve never experienced anything like it before. I’m energized and ready to live my life with a positive attitude. (OPP)
- I have gained a new level of understanding of my colleagues and now have more trust and respect – Evan E&H
- Helped me in addressing some of my personal challenges which were hindering my work performance, I’m now able to enhance my performance whilst managing my personal life better. Advocate Madiba Snr Investigator OPP
- It instilled in me a sense of belonging, The presenters were very excellent – the material used will be very useful, even outside the office in my personal private life – RZ Molosi
- I was expecting a change (Positive) in my team, this workshop exceeded my expectations! – Nokubonga
- I am more optimistic than before – The (Team Building) workshop is unique and has added value to my life and work. – “Englishman” (OPP)
- People have become more than work colleagues, They have become closer friends – I’ve opened my trust up to a 10! Once again thank you for a life changing experience. My drive home on Friday was incredibly calming and peaceful as I was reflecting on what I have just experienced the past two days. Ralph E&H
- It assisted me in arriving at solutions for problems I may have in my personal & business life. I wish this workshop had been offered EARLIER in my life… It should be given again next year & longer- Tsholo
- I’m going to change my life, listen to my kids and love them more – Samuel(OPP)
- The workshop should be offered more often – it changes you from being negative to being really positive.
- Content REAL and Exciting; Workshop Excellent – workshop leader… beyond excellent! – Tebogo
- I wish it could happen annually – because it has united our province! – Koketso(OPP)
- The presentation was an eye opener – It got people to speak their mind. The whole province got to know each other personally – BJ
- This was WAY OVERDUE – My trust issues are now sorted! – Gert E&H
- Thanks for teaching me so much in such a short space of time – 100% committed – Sonya
- Everything about the workshop was totally perfect – I have never seen a team building so effective & powerful Sello (OPP)
- Completely changed my attitude towards other people’s and their ideas… – Claudine (Aunty) (OPP)
- I’ve learnt to be myself. Learn how to rebuild my trust in my leader… wish we had more days in the workshop – Dolly(OPP)
- The content and experiences was VERY VERY VERY good, I love my team – Israel (OPP)
- It met all my expectations… because I really did not want to go to the workshop…BUT now I’m VERY HAPPY that I came! IT was amazing- Ephraim.
- I’ve learnt to trust even more. I feel fantastic – even joy. Rob (MD E&H)
- Taught me that we waste time doing things that don’t build us! It taught me that I’m MUCH MORE than I Think I am. Presenter Rating 40 out of 10!!! It made a huge impact on my life… 100 out of 10! Tebogo
- Thanks for making a difference in my life!! Team-building is really “A MUST” 4 all SA employees – I’ll never depart from the pledge I made (at the team building) Keep up the good work guys & God Bless you – Aunty (Claudine) Kimberly
- It transformed my life – I’ve never experienced anything like it before. I’m energized and ready to live my life with a positive attitude. Jabu
- The workshop was powerful, the team spirit was cool, and everything was perfect! I enjoyed every moment – Betty
- I got to grow on a personal level, to know and understand my colleagues… staying at OPP – Lungile
- I came with preconceived ideas…- But so much came out of 3 days, I learnt to think better thoughts and that opening up can free you 0 Thank you for the workshop – God Bless you! – Nomvimbi
- It has changed my life…in that I understand my colleagues, trust them, and commit myself what I do to work as a team. – Fharelo – OPP
- I was able to unlock long-locked doors in my life. WAS BEYOND MY WILDEST EXPECTATIONS! – Dumisani OPP
- The content was inspiring, the presenters were excellent… MY LIFE HAS CHANGED! – Sibusiso OPP
- WOW…WOW…WOW is all I can say – This has been an amazing teambuilding – my life will change a the office and at home – Tsidi
- This wasn’t only Team Building – it was Life Building! – Zane Senior Financial Mgr OPP
- Thank you so much for the uplifting session it has really made a difference in for in my life as how I look at things and the way I choose to see things. Cecilia – Makro
- I had never seen people treating each other worse than they treat animals; this was how bad people had been treated each other in our office. Believe me if I tell you that there has been a remarkable change in the way we treat each other. The atmosphere is full of love, respect, tolerance, patience, understanding, peace and quietness. It is so heart warming seeing people taking their baby steps towards reconciliation & being so gentle to each other. You guys rock and you deserve a standing ovation, you have indeed changed our lives for the better. Now we appreciate and enjoy the importance of checking in & checking out. We are doing great so far. May the Lord Almighty shower you with blessings? – kind regards Nomthi Magwaza
- Thanks Team Mum. I am one of the most cynical people I know, and Ruthven agrees!! Perhaps I need to explain. I have always been sceptical and derisive (and dismissive at times) about Americans and their reliance on therapy, DIY books, as well as motivational books. I have always thought I have everything I need to motivate myself. In the process however, I was disregarding the huge lessons that can be learnt from simplistic and at times clichéd words (an example, “if it has to be, it’s up to me”—the power of words, hey!) This became clear to me when we were playing the blind fold games at Kievitskroon. We were saying we have done this before, we have learnt the lesson. By the end of the last game however, we were all of us talking about the profound lessons we learnt. On the face of it, these are simple games, which talk about basics. Unfortunately we all forget the basics, whether it’s of communication, how we project ourselves and appear to others, how we often use words not followed by action, etc. By the end of the first team building session, I was a changed man. I recall an incident with my daughter when she was upset with her mother and I almost jumped into the fray. I stopped myself and really thought about the issue before saying anything that would not help anyone. I became aware of my role in the whole situation, and how I could help the situation. I am writing this at a time when I am supposed to be doing a lot of other things, seeing as we only have two working days next week, but you and Tony have really changed my life and I thank you. I for one will pay it forward. Namaste Lufuno R Ndou Executive Manager: Outreach OPP
- A really exciting event. Different to what we normally do. We know more about each other now. It makes communication easier and better. – Leon E&H
- It has enabled me to know myself and my colleagues better. My relationships with all of them are improved. I am really empowered – anon
- Made me realize I AM an important part of my team. Workshop was delivered in an interactive way, by a facilitator who really knows his area of specialty – Martin
- I had a change of Mind. It was good! You can count on me to change my attitude! – Dawie
- The workshop has empowered me in ways I never thought possible – Alfred.
- I have seen miracles happen across the country – Sello Snr Prosecutor OPP
- What we received here today was priceless – Elizabeth
- I have discovered how important the soft skills really are – Jacque (Sales Manager) E&H
- I feel peaceful & great. This was definitely a life-changing experience. I intend to apply this to my personal and professional life. – Semelo E&H
- I’m happy, full of excitement and full of energy to carry this forward. This has motivated and encouraged me to carry this forward – Kuben E&H
- This has been so valuable – I believe it must be spread across our entire company = Siphindile (HR Manager E&H)
- This has been fantastic. I choose to be positive, inspired and motivated – Rodney E&H
- A lot of things have changed how I now see things at the moment from a new perspective. I learnt a lot – Danie
- This was WAY OVERDUE – My trust issues are sorted out. – Gert E&H
- The common thread is positive and trusting. We are all on the same page now. Trust is all the way up. I’ve personally learnt a lot. – Syd Manager E&H
- An interesting and eye-opening experience. Helped everyone gain insights into each other and brought the team closer. –PriyaSingh CA SANSA
- Very helpful in getting to the real issues beyond the peripheral – Sandilce CEO SANSA
- To learn about self-knowledge and how to share it. I would strongly recommend Life Masters – Marlo SANSA
- Interesting and very motivational – asanda SANSA
- The day began with some apprehension how one day could change anyone’s lifelong habits/ beliefs, BUT I can confirm the the overall team attitude was altered in a most profound and positive manner. We all felt the impact and learnt more about each other. – Vaneshree SANSA
- The team building was truly inspirational and exposed each individual to their inner self and more importantly empowered us to take charge of our own lives and be responsible for our choices and actions.
- An eye-opening and dynamic experience – Sandra
- Mind blowing . Learnt things that I didn’t / wasn’t aware that I was caring / feeling. Left a better and bigger person, looking forward to a wonderful future. Nokuthele
- An amazing experience! I learnt so much about my co-workers as well as myself and I leave this place today, fuelled up and ready to face the challenges and empower myself – Thanks a lot! Estelle SANSA
- Tony’s Team building exercise enabled me to rid myself of emotional baggage that I carried for years! I am NOW FREE!! Nombeko Mbava SANSA
- I learnt a lot today about the power of the tongue, and that I should always speak positively. – Tumi SANSA
- WOW! What a life-changing experience!!! Learnt a lot today and I CHOOSE TO BE… So if it is to be …it’s up to me. I’m responsible for my thoughts, beliefs, behaviour, feelings and my life and I choose to live it to the fullest!! SANSA
- I enjoyed today’s session and believe it was to be. Tony’s teachings are in line with what I believe, in the challenges though with me was putting those beliefs into practice. I feel highly motivated now and choose to take hold of my thoughts and what I say. I chose to be more responsible.
- Life-changing experience!!- Fanyani SANSA
- It was interesting, new discovery about people, life etc. SANSA
- It was very healing and educational to have such a workshop. I would recommend such a teambuilding to EVERYONE – Lerato SANSA
- A good process to highlight human connection in a workplace and how to harness their effects, attitude and spirituality to make a workplace a sacred place of love and joy. – Harriet HR SANSA
- The teambuilding session I attended was a MIND OPENER. I have attended so many team building sessions in my career life and this is UNIQUE. And after the session you can apply whatever you have learnt at your workplace and your personal arena. I will definitely recommend this company Life Masters to all the employees and my friends. It was fruitful and it was well worth the money we paid and MORE!! Tsholofelo Mothla SANSA
Abbreviated Corporate Team Building Client List
- Escom Conference Services – Service / Team building
- Rennies – Head Office – Glynn Van Rensburg
- Semble-it – Brian Eastes (MD) – Team Building / Service
- Hi-Tech PC Distributors – David Kid (MKt Dir) – Team Building
- Barlows Hardware Distributors – Bruce Cooper (MD) – Team building
- Mac Med – Trevor Lauf / Rob McGuire (MD)
- Rennies Travel – Midrand – Customer Service Team building
- Times Media Limited – Sales Department – Coaching
- Sasol Technologies (HR Department) – NLP technologies
- Green & Gold Sports Management – Dianne Esterhuizen
- Tianshi South Africa – Sales & Marketing Team building
- Eskom Electrical Department – Peter Griffiths – Team building
- Marcus Evans Seminars – Transformation/Inspiration Talk Service Focus
- PSA – Beyond Motivation – Transformation/Inspiration Presentation
- World Huna Convention – Energy & Consciousness – Lake Tahoe –USA
- Hollard Direct/Sowetan Money Club – Transformation/Inspiration Presentation
- Linda Coetzee & Associates – Transformation/Inspiration Presentation
- Lafarge Cement – Call Center – Team-build / Stress Reduction
- Lafarge Cement – Strategic Sales – Team-build / Stress Reduction
- Willow Park Conference Center – Staff Transformation & Development
- Impala Platinum Mines Snr HR Team AI Team-build / Leader Development
- Impala Platinum – HR Remuneration Rustenburg – AI Team-build / Leader Development
- Impala Platinum Mines – Systems Rustenburg – AI Team-build / Leader Development
- Impala Platinum Mines – Shafts ### Rustenburg – AI Team-build / Leader Development
- Sigma Aldrich – Appreciative Team Build / Fun / Staff development
- Department of Water Affairs Logistics – REAL Ai Team Transformation
- Schenker Logistics Senior Management – Team Build
- Clive Stacey – Strategy Coach – 083-407-8008
- SABC Broadcasting – Team Building
- Linda Coetzee & Associates – Inspiration/AQ Talk
- Hospice Witwatersrand – Appreciative Team Transformation/Talk
- Office of Public Protector (OPP)– Appreciative Inquiry Team Building & Leadership
- Department of Agriculture Pretoria – Appreciative Inquiry Team Building & Leadership
- Coca Cola South Africa 2010 World Cup Soccer Project Team – Team Building & Leadership
- Grant Thornton Partnership Team Johannesburg
- Standard Bank – work to Wow Place
- Engen Natal – Formula Won
- Willow Park Conference Center – Staff Public Speaker Training GM Sam 011 565-6600
- REPSSI – PsychoSocial support for Children (Africa)
- Oxfam UK
- Nestle Purina South Africa
- IDT – Independent Development Trust south africa
- Vodacom – Customer Insights Team
- National Nuclear Regulator – NNR
- Stats SA – Gov
- Department of Rural Development – Gov
- Nutricia Danone
- Endress & Hauser
- Eskom
- Gijima
- OxBow/Lovell Packaging
- Medshield Exco
- Nissan South Africa
- FidFund Fidelity Fun SA
- Standard Bank compliance Africa
- Professional Speakers Association of SA
- Vesuvious Mining Group
- Solar Explosives
- GoldRush Group
- Zambezi Pride Events
- KwaZulu Natal Liquor Authority
- Kaefer JCB
- Mustek Computer
- ICD IT Services
“We’re committed to REAL Team Building interventions that deliver amazing results- NOT wasting your money on short- lived “motivational” type hype and group entertainment games.”
Call Tony Dovale on 083-447-6300 to book your Revolutionary Workplace organisational culture shifting team building experience beyond the usual…
https://www.lifemasters.co.za for the worlds most effective executive team building activities, events and process.
After only 1 day of teambuilding activities, facilitated by Tony, I could see a marked improvement in the coherence of the 35 people in my workplace TEAM. I am writing this 3 months after the event, and still this continues – a real lasting impact.
I realize that real teambuilding means work, not merely group entertainment. The stop-start-continue list which we drafted in the session gave us concrete stuff to work on, and we keep reminding ourselves of this through regular stock-taking of where we are.
I recommend Tony with no hesitation, both for the content of his program and for his personal style.
I can already see a positive shift in the team from just half a day so far…