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Trends in Mindset Personal Development, High Performance Team Buildings, Personal Transformation and AdaptAgility Coaching


Coaching Corporate Team Building Events  and Team Coaching delivers outstanding ROI’s to smart leaders.

  • Team-spirit is up, Sales are up, Client relationships are clear, Profits are up! Bruce Williams- MD Hardware Distributors
  • Tony has made a HUGE difference in our company – Sam (GM Willow Park)
  • In every possible way it touched every point in my life. 10 out of 10. Workshop leader was awesome Zelda H. HR Manager
  • I never expected to get out what I did. EVERYBODY in business should do this course. I call it Lifeline!!! Tony is amazing. I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for what he taught me – Thuli – Lafarge Cement
  • One of the best Courses I have ever attended. I am glad to have attended and recommend it to all!  Ingrid (HR Social)
  • Awesome!!… improved my self-confidence and my commitment to clear goals” – Helen (Key Account Sales – Willow Park)

Discovering the Power of The Emotional Economy

4D Multi-Dimensional Transformational Leadership Development, Team building  & Business Team Coaching

We believe that for full empowerment to occur, we need to develop and coach on all levels:- tactic knowing, emotional knowing, intuitive knowing, body knowing and rational knowing!”

By applying behavioural science principles and practices in teams and organisations we get to optimally increase individual and organisational effectiveness.

This is how we shift our way of BEING

Peter Senge in his book The 5Th Discipline points out to us that our only real competitive advantage is the people we employ – and their associated activated potential. To benefit from their untapped potential, we have to create and adopt new ways of training, directing, leading and supporting.

We are multi-dimensional beings. By developing on only one dimension (Rational knowing/IQ:10%-20%) and neglecting the others (Tactile, emotional, intuitive and body: 80%-90%), we are losing out on benefiting from our FULL potential.

People react, respond and perform, based upon personal reference and recollection to many facets of their stored memories. We cannot separate emotion or attitudes from knowledge and skill in our day to day activities.

Where ever we use our rational knowledge, we also have associated emotions, beliefs, values, attitudes and perspectives that are deeply interwoven. If we expect optimal performance, self leadership,  and productivity from our teams, we have to develop, empower  and coach them on all dimensions.

If we continue to only address the rational level, and ignore the others, imbalances will occur. Because we are holistic, all dimensions are inter-dependent and inter-related. Unbalanced development severely restricts our ability to perform and inter-relate at our peak.

The dimensions we need to address are: Emotional, Physiological, Mental and Intuitive /Spiritual. They ALL interact and directly influence each other. They influence and control all levels of knowledge, skill, aptitudes, attitudes, abilities, performance levels and productivity.

Many people have parts of themselves locked-away/frozen through life’s encounters. And it is with these “weak links”, and perspectives, that they “TRY” to “be the best that they can be”. Always “trying” – never fully AUTHENTIC. Never fully empowered. Never able to be a fully competent, connected High-Performance Team player.

Can we really expect people to perform exceptionally, when we do not empower and develop them on all levels? With staff being your only real competitive advantage – we believe that we should be developing people concurrently on every level: Thinking, feeling and acting.  Developing and coaching them into fully authentic people.

Our Mindset empowerment programs apply Holistic Psychosynthetic Integrative design to develop, support and coach people on all levels – that is their heads AND their hearts – to create a more connected, cohesive, interrelated complete whole. This approach empowers people to be able to positively respond from this moment – NOW – without the influence of excess baggage from the past.

We facilitate the most powerful programmes available today based upon Appreciative Inquiry and Action Learning principles. This includes interactive sessions, discussions, exercises, role-plays and insightful games including high voltage leadership coaching, life coaching and Emotionetics.

– Imagine how far, and fast, you can fly, not having any baggage. Imagine what kind of team you can build?

Just imagine how great you could be. So what’s holding YOU back?

Cognitive skills are only 10%-20% of the game of Life and Business; the rest of your personal power resides in your E-Motional flexibility and intelligence and your AQ. Your Adversity intelligence or programming!

Take the next step to fully empower yourself and your staff and your team building activities.

Life Transforming Workshops • Hiugh Performance Team Building Solutions •Unlocking Reality and Results Today • Our experiential action learning workshops are designed for maximum effectivness, impact and longevity.

Contact Tony Dovale  on Tel:011 467-1763  Cell:083-447-6300

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