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Happiness & Positive Psychology in the Revolutionary High Performance Workplace

positive psychology team building with Happiness at work

For most of its history, psychology focused on… when things went “wrong”… so our usual mindset and approach is based upon… fear-based. something-is-broken, problem solving style thinking and mindset.

The old style command and control style of problem-solving destroys energy, motivation, team spirit and collaboration. It creates an workplace culture of distrust, fear and self-preservation because peoples’ mindsets and psychological capital is so low, that fear prevails over all else.

Leaders, managers and entrepreneurs need to understand how MINDSETS matter most in building Resilient and rmindset-ready staff, High-Performance teamwork and exponential impact companies with long-term sustainable success potential.

Happy and RESILIENT Team Development

Happy and RESILIENT people are capable and inspired to deliver the extra-mile effort to create the competitive advantage that all organisations need in today’s highly competitive times.

Psychological disorders, conflict, prejudice – it painted a pretty bleak picture of human existence!

But about 30 years ago, psychologists decided to research how and why things went  well as opposed to wrong….. Most people live relatively happy lives, but we knew very little about what made people happy and fulfilled. Thus Positive psychology was born.

Positive psychology has taught us a lot about happiness.

We now know that being happy benefits people in almost every area of life, from solving brain teasers to living longer. We also know that happiness is actually caused by striving for worthwhile and meaningful goals, more than achieving them.

Even more amazingly,happiness is not just something one is lucky to have. People can improve their happiness through focused simple methods, with long-lasting benefits.

Happiness at Work Mindset Research

We conduct pioneering research into how happiness affects mindsets, team building / teamworking, employees engagement and well-being. Happiness at work can be measured, built, and used to boost performance, productivity and talent potential.

The business landscape and workplace needs a revolutionary  shakeup to create really great places to work.

The old style of leadership, team building. management and staff management need a total transformation.

If employee engagement and organisational culture are to be improved. real staff team building activities must replace group games and silly kids games activities in the office and workplace.

But we don’t only focus on psychology. We are also grounded in organizational Mindset optimisation.

Few organizational development and high performance optimisation frameworks, have the potential to truly impact your triple bottom lines People, Planet & Profit.

Tony Dovale is an ADAPTAGILITY expert author, business leadership speaker, resilience coach, consultant and high performance team building facilitator who will transform your personal, team building workshops and organisational mindsets …fast! Call 083-447-6300

