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 Happiness@Work Team Effectiveness Building Workshops


Testimonials: “…THE best thing we’ve ever done with our team…way better than games. This team building event was life CHANGING!”

You can trust us to change your teamworking dynamics happiness at work team building workshops Happiness is different from job satisfaction and engagement:

“Happiness, from our perspective…leads to job satisfaction and engagement… but they don’t necessarily work the other way round”.

For a free staff development and high performance research report “Riding the Razor” by Tony Dovale – Email us.

As professional Team builders in South Africa – we offer leading edge solutions to workplace challenges, organisational culture improvements and change-management initiatives…

Worldwide Research by iOpener UK shows that employees who are happier at work:

  •  Are 180% more energized
  •  Are 155% happier in their jobs
  •  Are 108% more engaged at work
  •  Are 150% happier with life
  •  Love their jobs 79% more
  •  Are 50% more motivated
  •  Have 40% more confidence
  •  Achieve their goals 35% more
  •  Contribute 25% more

WHY is Happiness at Work Important Now!

Happy at work = 25% More Productive!

People who are happiest@work report they’re 47% more on task than least happy colleagues; in practical terms this equates to them putting in an extra 1.25 days/week, compared to the unhappiest. With “unaware” staff – leadership/management typically impacts performance around 50%; With “awake”, aware, conscious, RESILIENT & HAPPY staff this impact reduces to 10%-20%.

Happiness at work = Fewer Sick Days Off! 

Happiest employees in the UK & US private sectors only take 1.5 days off sick a year compared to an average of 6 days off by the average employee. (In the public sector, the same comparison is 11 and 20 days). The multiplier effect of being happy or unhappy at work is huge.

Happiness leads to… all these positive outcomes…NOT the other way round.

… Being happy at work pays handsomely – For everyone

We know that it pays for HR professionals to understand the factors and elements of the Science of Happiness@Work model and how it impacts performance and results. We do this in order to better help you, help your users users to achieve greater performance, wellness, and happiness@ work.

The ripple effect of sharing and applying this knowledge could change the way your organization is run overall on a company teamworking effectiveness level. We trust YOU will be THE transforming influence on your Team/Tribe’s culture.

(iOpener UK, is researching the Science of Happiness at Work ™ globally for the past 6+ years.)

Want more Happiness at Work…HOW?

Through … “Corporate Soul Surgery & High Performance Teams Leadership”

“Corporate Soul Surgery” customised workshops, coaching, consulting, assessments, 360 degree feedback and REAL Team/Tribe Buildings specifically designed to transform your organisation on multiple levels… in an optimised and sustainable manner.

This provides MindShifting and LifeShifting results for everyone… in building a smarter, more empowering and effective culture and a more cohesive, connected and constructive organisational culture that values People & Profits.

A Smart Holistic CultureShift Appreciative Approach to happiness at work incorporates:


  • Personal Transformation & Psychological Capital: Awareness, consciousness, choice, mindfulness, energy, Optimistic & resilient mind-sets, better thinking styles & self-coaching.

    LEADERSHIP /Management):

  • Engagement, Inspiration, ADKAR Change-management, Coach Approach, Affirmative CultureShift and The Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx High Performance Framework Leadership Strategies to transform the meaning, function and destiny of the “business”… in building a better life for all… PEOPLE & PROFITS!

You might create a great place to work and be an employer of choice, but if MINDSETS are misaligned, staff are UNCONSCIOUS and unhappy, it matters naught!

We offer inspiring -informative Talks, Workshops, staff Team Buildings, “Limitless Leadership, Consulting, Assessments and Coaching to CultureShift your workplace and teams for greater happiness at work – Contact

Tony Dovale on 083-447-6300 or complete the team building quote form to start changing your performance & results.  see for keynote talks and leadership presentations


