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Choose Staff Development & Team Building Events that actually address the real issues, challenges, and constraints, lurking below the surface…

You ENSURE Success When You Choose CLEARx, the PROVEN Revolutionary Workplace, High Performance, Framework, Philosophy, Process, and System

Do You Have These Team Performance Problems in Your Team/Office?

  • Low Morale
  • Apathy, Presenteeism
  • Dis Engagement
  • Low Productivity
  • No Cohesion
  • Unhappiness
  • No Communication
  • No Trust
  • Negative Mindset
  • Demotivated Staff
  • Bad Culture
  • No Empathy
  • Low Engagement
  • High Conflict
  • Ineffective Leadership
  • No Honesty
  • Bad Attitude
  • No Team Bond
  • Bad Relationships
  • Racial /Culture Tensions
  • Departmental Silos
  • Them and US
  • No Respect
  • No Happiness

4 Level Impact High Performance People & Teams Development


  • Rewire GO Mindsets
  • Develop Resilience
  • Develop Awareness
  • Develop EQ
  • Develop Better Attitudes
  • Increase Commitment
  • Unleash Creativity
  • Expand/Activate Potential
  • Raise Consciousness
  • Enable People Performance


  • Create Better Connections
  • Turbo-Charge Teamwork
  • Rebuild & Increase Trust
  • Enhance Communication
  • Grow Collaboration
  • Activate Team Momentum
  • Strengthen Synergy
  • Transform Potential
  • Optimise momentum
  • Align Team commitment


  • Enhance Engagement
  • Develop Leadership Mindset
  • Tribal Leadership Skills
  • Create Credibility
  • Improve Capacity
  • Grow Consciousness
  • Build Trustworthyness
  • Activate & Optimise EQ
  • Enhance #AdaptAgility
  • Limitless Leadership Mindset


  • Create Positive Context
  • High Performance Platform
  • Clear Toxicity and Blocks
  • Align Values
  • Reduce Conflict/Fear
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Highly Engaged Workplace
  • Fierce Focus on Thriving
  • Build Psychological Safety
  • People, Planet AND Profits

#FutureFit Mindsets create High Performance Teams, Limitless Leadership & CLEARx Cultures, that thrive and flourish, whilst Delivering Exponential Results, in a VUCA World.

Tony Dovale, CEO of Life Masters.co.za
High Performance System for optimising
People, Teams, Leadership and Culture to Thrive
in uncertain times.

Revwork Clearx Package Dvds 2018.2.28A And High Performance Teams Building Events Gauteng

VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) World Is Here! Are Your People and Teams #FutureFit.... Today?

The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE process builds strenghts-based foundations, and the High Performance Fuel and Drive, for Exponential Thriving & Outstanding Results in Tough Times.

The Revolutionary Workplace…Consciously Constructive Philosophy… 

For Conscious Leadership, Peak Performance, and Exponential Results, in High Performance Teams & Workplaces

High Performance Team Building Workshops With Tony Dovale“If we’re to regain our Soul Purpose…to sustainably succeed in the new world of work and business, we must rethink how we are leading, learning, loving, living, and leaving a legacy.

 If we are to thrive, and really succeed, we need a BIG RETHINK! We need to Revolutionise our MINDSETS, and approaches to business, the planet and each other…to find a viable and SWIFTer way…TOGETHER!

 It’s time to become CONSCIOUSLY CONSTRUCTIVE High Performance organisation, that supports People, Planet and Profits.

 Business is the power to create a new way of Life and Business…By  becoming Consciously Constructive. This means, using business as a FORCE FOR GOOD. Creating a sustainable platform, with greater goals and aspirations, than just “more profit”.

 Business must become the driver, and facilitator, for a better future for PEOPLE, Purpose, Planet AND Profit.
