Do You Want Higher Performance Teams?
Stop Outdated Childish Team Building Events.
Create #FutureFit Mindsets & High Performance Teams.
Before you Go…
Can I give you a SPECIAL SURPRISE?
Get your Team Building Special Surprise that will really make a big difference to your team.
35+ Years People & Teams Research
The Revolutionary Workplace High-Performance System, is the brainchild of Tony Dovale, who, according to his clients: “…delivers the most profound, potent, and transforming Team experiences. He turbo-charges Potential, Passion, Performance AND Profits “
Time To Shift From… Low Value, Team Building Games, To Team Building 3.0
Build High Performance #FutureFit, People, Teams, Leadership, and Culture, with the proven, and potent, REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Philosophy, Framework and Optimisation Process.
Team-Flow-Grow and Team-Flow-Tainment are proprietary to and Tony Dovale .
“Tony helped us go from R200 Million to almost R800 Million annual revenue, with his Revolutionary Workplace Process.” Deon – Fin Manager Independent Development Trust.
Get Your FREE* HPO Quote / Assessment Now.
SA business loses over R350+ Billion per annum in lost productivity, and lost potential, from dysfunctional teams/ workplaces; Presenteeism, absenteeism, politics, conflicts, demotivation, depression and disengagement.
The Present: Problems with Team Building Activities and Silly Games…
The real issues is that many companies spend time, money, and engage in some fun games… These games may relieve some light stress, and create some laughs, but seldom, do fun games, deliver anything beyond basic entertainment value, for the brief moment. Not much real value or benefits, for the business or team.
BEWARE: Some games like paintball and highly competitive “Win-Loose” games, can actually do more harm to relationships, connections, trust, tribes, motivation, and team working.
Research shows many adults hate childish-team games.
They want appropriate teamwork development activities that provided REAL lasting value, personally, and also relevant TO THE WORKPLACE:
• 68% dreaded “games activities”.
• 52% found games childish, useless and embarrassing.
• 10% complained of feeling “uncomfortable”.
• 45% of events were actually destructive to the company culture.
• Win-lose experiences destroy teamwork and workplace energy
So stop wasting time and money on silly games, that I call the.…Boerie, bow & arrow, beer, and braai, brigade. The impacts and results never last! It’s almost as useless as many motivational speaker’s impacts that don’t last.
The FUTURE: Create #FutureFit Mindsets to Thrive in Tough Times and VUCA world.
Welcome to Team Building 3.0: Team-Flow-Grow and Team-Flow-Tainment for thriving in Tough Times.
With 42+ years, and over R10 million, in R&D and testing, Tony Dovale, CEO of Life Masters, designs and facilitates, the most potent, effective, and long lasting, Team development interventions. Companies gain more than a 4 x fold return by creating a more positive, conscious, connected, cohesive, and committed, workplace.
Option #1: Team-Flow-Grow – TurGO-Charged Teams Workshops
Optimise Teamwork, Trust, Connection, Communication, Collaboration and Commitment, with an intense two-day, or one-day or half-day Team-Flow-Grow workshop based on the R&D and findings from our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams Process.
We custom design this highly effective, valuable, and impactful, HPO PROCESS, to be personally and business relevant. This process impacts People, Teams, Leadership and Culture. Transform Mindsets, Psychological Capital, Trust and Core Team dynamics with the proven CLEARx High Performance Organisation (HPO) Framework and Assessments.
Option #2: Team- Flow-Tainment – Appreciative Inquiry Team Development
Create a positive, passionate, resilient, resourceful, High Performance team, with our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE philosophy and HPO framework, with Fiercely Focussed, positive, two-day, one-day, or half-day, action learning workshops. We are serious about success, and we have some fun as well.
This ain’t no ordinary Team Building… This is High Performance Team Building 3.0 that delivers exponential impacts and results, optimising People, Teams, Leadership and Culture.
For a Free High Performance Assessment demo please contact Tony Dovale.
Sample High Performance Feedback Graphs Below…
IF These SMART Companies TRUST US, You Can Too!
Why do global brands like Vodacom, Gijima NEC, Coke, Standard Bank, AND hundreds of smart, forward thinking, companies, use our #FutureFit Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx High Performance system to optimise their people, teams, leadership and culture? Because they transformed mindsets, meaning, self-Mastery; Turbo-charge teamwork, trust, and truth; and have boosted their performance and grown their business. Some by over 50%-380% growth, using the Consciously Constructive (CC) HPO System.
Our Team-Flow-Grow effectiveness is No Accident
The CC Revolutionary Workplace High-Performance Framework is an academically validated and proven framework, researched, refined and developed over 40 years, that you can use to Turbo-Charge and optimise your People, Teams, Leadership and Culture, to deliver Exponential Results.
Practical, Proven, Actionable, Best-Practices make Team 3.0 Potent.
We give you practical, actionable, guidance and experiential action learning mindsights, so you’ll achieve growth and results consistently. This means you’ll build success upon success—and take your Teams performance, up to the next few levels of impact and productivity.
Become a CONSCIOUSLY CONSTRUCTIVE #CC, Revolutionary Workplace #RW, and use business as a force for greater good, beyond just profits.
Time to ensure your people, teams, leaders and company culture, are #FutureFit today…in a VUCA world.
Please Note: Our Consciously Constructive interventions are no ordinary Staff and Team Building events – This is a unique, Mind-shifting, Life-giving…Team transforming experience… It’s Corporate SOUL SURGERY!
Testimonial: As one local #4 Medial Aid CEO/PO said, “In all of my business career – I’ve never experienced something this powerful and profoundly effective!”