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Do You Need to Build High Performance Teams

and organisational effectiveness?
Get In TouchAbout HPO teams

Why Improve Team Effectiveness?

Over 90% of leaders agree that improving team effectiveness is essential to achieve organisational success.   

Individuals make up high performance teams, and high performance teams create the system that achieves the results.

For teams to be most successful, they need to increase and maintain trust levels, have a clear purpose and aligned meaning; Detailed goals, roles and responsibilities.

They also need to optimise collaboration, with the right tools, right information, right process, the right direction and effective systems.

To help you improve team Effectiveness, we assess, activate, adjust, and align, your teams fullest potentials. and help to identify, address, resolve, and enhance, the aspects of high performance team, that are vital to ENSURE your greatest levels of “success”. 

The primary difference between improving team effectiveness via team coaching and corporate or business team building events, is essentially the company team building workshops, would be full day events, or multi day process.

Team Effectiveness coaching is a process with regular, fiercely-focused, actions designed to incrementally and irrevocably improve and increase team performance in a sustainable, conscious, and humane manner. 



Team Effectiveness : Discover & Decode:

ASSESSMENTS:Discover where each person is. Where the team is, the constraints, limiters, core focus, outputs, outcomes etc…


Team Effectiveness : Define & Design:

Define, via Appreciative Inquiry approach, what brings life and meaning. consolidate team wisdom and experiences and design principles into the leadership and culture.


Team Effectiveness: Deploy & Deliver:

Embed and improve, via weekly, Consciously Constructive optimisation sessions, the principles and process, to maintain the energy, focus, passion, professionalism, performance and results. 


Team Effectiveness: Review & Refine:

Celebrate. compliment, and keep developing your Psychological Capital & Human Assets. Debrief lessons into team wisdom, share, show, and shape new actions and behaviors to keep optimising, energising, and aligning your people’s fullest potentials.


Some Team Optimisation Scenarios

where your team could benefit from increasing Team Effectiveness with REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams Coaching:

  • The team is new. Just forming, as you figure out how to best work together
  • the Team is old.  Been together for a long time, stuck in a rut, stale and burnt-out
  • Your team needs to lift performance to the next level
  • Your team’s conflict levels are distracting from the core focus and costing Millions
  • the team is uncertain, disconnected, and struggling to normalise working together
  • Your’re in a VUCA space forcing you keep your team fiercely focused, energized, and productive
  • You are ready to optimise to deliver better results, quicker, with lower stress or mess.
  • Team has new members needing to get up to speed: connection, communication, collaboration, trust. 

Best HPO Team Effectiveness Models

We apply a range of business relevant team effectiveness frameworks and models to optimise performance and process.

This is based upon our over 45+ years of R&D into the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Workplace process; philosophy, framework and system.

We use a Consciously Constructive approach to building people’s individual Psychological Capital and then using that potent resources and the strongest foundation to build your High Performance teamworking. 

Eltv 32C And High Performance Teams Building Events Gauteng

Your REAL Team Effectiveness Problem

Your REAL problem… is that once the staff have become infused with the “unwritten rules” CULTURE: and the workplace “Vibe”, it’s very hard, to shift mind-sets to a better level without a massive high impact, Consciously Constructive, Team Effectiveness & Culture-Change intervention.

Consciously Constructive High Performance Teams Results

What You Can Gain From our


Team Effectiveness Coaching

You’ve hired right. Now your responsibility is to make 1+1 = 100.

To guide and assist your people to create high performance teams. consciousness, contexts and cultures, that achieve exponential results, in tough, VUCA times.

Here are some ideas of what you can expect from improving your Team Effectiveness Coaching:

  • Better Alignment: Clarity on shared purpose and vision, clear goals, roles, & plans to achieve goals
  • better Knowledge:  Appreciation of personalities, strengths, weakness, preferences, values, work styles,
  • Better Collaboration: Improved trust, teamwork, and performance
  • Better Clarity: Clear rules of engagement based on agreed values and behaviors  
  • Better Clarity: Clear roles, rules, responsibilities, no-go’s, project boundaries,  performance & expectations
  • Better Decisions: Agreed-upon and understood approach for positive decision-making/problem-solving.
  • Better Communications: Improved communication including giving and receiving honest direct feedback
  • Better Relationships:  Clear Conflict, constraints and commitments to collaborate
  • Better Learning: a Consciously Constructive environment of continuous improvement and learning
  • Better Results: Aligned, Activated, Amplified, SWIFT Action, with FIERCE focus towards meaningful goals, with greater #adaptagility.


