High Performance Org Enablement Steps?
The Challenge: The Process of Creating a REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE with High Performance People, Teams, Leadership and Culture, has incremental interdependent phases.
HPO Enablement™
Noun: “The process of creating requisite context, conditions, climate, capacity, culture and Consciousness to create where staff have #FutureFit, Growth-Optimised Mindsets; that enable them to be ready, willing, and able, to SWIFTLY embrace change, rapidly adapt, adjust, and successfully overcome, challenges and leverage opportunities and perform optimally, in tough times.”
High Performance Process
Systemic High Performance Optimisation (HPO) Process
A systematic approach customised guide clients to focus and accelerate their Performance Enablement development.
The phase, depth of facilitation, frequency and duration of each interdependent phase is customized to the client’s context, conditions and needs.
Human Performance Technologies
Performance is where the rubber-meets-the-road. Using Advanced Human Performance Optimisation systems, we incrementally unleash, improve, amplify, align, your human energies & skills, towards meaningful goals and “Bullet-Proof” growth-optimised Mindsets, to enable your people to perform at their peak
Context, Culture & Leadership control over 60% of People Performance Results
Having high performance mindsets and great team work are vital. But the reality is external factors – either create an ENABLING context or a toxic crippling context – Enable your people to have the resilience and ability to bounce back after adversity. To operate effectively under stress or pressure. The mental ability to keep on going, even thought times and conditions are not ideal. Develop the Internal and external resources to perform at their fullest potentials.
Phase#1: RevWork Discovery & Diagnostic
Prevailing Organizational/team context, conditions & constraints, diagnostics and assessments.
A Personal self-report, and team-based self-audit of the key issues, constraints, and challenges that need be resolved to effectively unleash potentials, Fiercely Focus, align actions, clear culture, and improve performance.
Phase 2 – HPO Team Building
Training and management of problem-solving, solution engineering, performance enablement teams focused on clarifying Conditions, Constraints and GAPS identified in Phase #1.
Phase 3: HPO Change Management Readiness
Phase 3 – Change Management Foundations & Readiness
Installation, and management, of a new more flexible change management structure that complements the organization’s normal hierarchical structure.
The AdaptAgility change system provides a new platform and process for continuously identifying and addressing constraints, challenges and opportunities.
Phase #4: MTP and Guiding Values
HPO Phase #4: Clarify and embed Your MTP (Massively Transformative Purpose), Vision / Mission / Values.
The organization’s Fierce focus on strategic change is clarified and constructed, by exploring and understanding the conditions, contexts and global/market consciousness, by examining external and internal environments, trends, changes, challenges, and opportunities.
This creates a range of possibilities, potentials, and priorities, that become part of your critical strategic imperatives options.
The selected, and prioritised, strategic focus points, are then aligned and assembled into the organizational game-plan, for focusing in a common direction, and achieving common goals, that are prioritised by the exco and management team.
Phase #5: Realignment of Structures & Systems
HPO Phase #5 – Organisational Resources Realignment.
The organization’s structure and framework is redesigned, aligned, and optimised, support and enable the MPT, mission, and match the organization’s capacity and technologies
It’s about being ready and able to be optimally responsive to the context and conditions in the environment with a clearly defined goal of producing health, vitality, entrepreneurship teamworking, alignment and growth
This is all underpinned with clear accountability, responsibility, and authority for ongling performance optimisation.
Phase #6: Action & Results Accountability
HPO Phase #6: – Action and Results Accountability.
IT and Management information systems are re-engineered to provide timely (leading and laggind) indicators, to help ensure that requisite and dependable information is available for effective decision making.
They are also re-aligned with the responsibilities and needs of the new organisational or teams structure.
The focus is to have systems that enable, and ensure clearly delineated individual, team and departmental priorities and accountabilities.
Phase #7: REVOLUTIONARY Workplace Process
HPO Phase #7: REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Process and Human Performance Technology embedding into the clients culture and workplace philosophy..
We license, train, and certify, a critical mass of client Performance Enablement Ambassadors so that they can cost-effectively coach, and cascade, the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE philosophy, framework, and principles, throughout the levels in the organization.
Phase #8: Enable People & Team Performance
HPO Phase #8: Optimise People Potentials & Peak Performance activation.
Rebuild Connection, Communication, Collaboration, Commitment and trust, with REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE team transformation interventions that enable your teams to achieve peak performance.
This phase typically enables greater performance and produces positive impacts on performance and profitability, because it enables and energises staff to aim higher and achive higher levels of performance and productivity.
Phase #9: Effective Resource Allocation.
HPO Phase #9: Based upon new decisions and requisite actions, allocate required resources to enable optimal performance and responsiveness to conditions and contexts.
Focus on the requirements for long-term direction, and viability, of each aspect of your organizational system.
The emerging strategic approach must support current actions and priorities, and identifies new directions and actions, to replace non productive / discontinued, activities.
Phase #10: Performance Adapt-Agility
HPO Phase #10: Systemic AdaptAgility System and mindset that enables conditions, contexts, culture, and capacity, for ongoing response-able agility, and adaptability, to the mega-waves of change, challenge, uncertainty, and opportunity.
a systematic process is embedded to optimise operating efficiently, and the change response-agility system, from Phase #3, and and aligned with the system structure created in Phase 5, to bi-directional, top-down and bottom-up, flows of energy, information, intention and effort..
Phase #11: REVOLUTIONARY Rewards
HPO Phase #11 – REVOLUTIONARY Rewards and Remuneration Systems
The new strategies, responsibilities, and teamwork require realignment of
the rewards, incentives, and compensation structures.
They must be re-structured to be fair and consistent to support achievement of the newly defined goals and processes, in the context of a hybrid workforce, of local and remote workforce..
What Clients Say…
Tony did an amazing presentation on wellbeing to our clients – wonderfull…the session was made a huge success through his expertise and efforts.
We were privileged to have Tony Dovale speak to our Dovetail staff. We came away with many practical strategies on working from home in post COVID times.
His talk was enlightening and focused on our personal well-being and the best version of ourselves in the workplace.
“Having worked closely with Tony over 20 years, he is always a well prepared, high performance expert, who REALLY knows his stuff.”