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High Performance #AdaptAgility Coaching With Tony Dovale

Optimising People, Teams, Leadership and Culture

Start Creating a REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE today with our Executive Leadership Coaching & Mentoring Action-learning process.

1. People Development

Build Bullet-Proof, Happier, Resilient, Growth, High Performance Mindsets

2. Team Dynamics

Transform Trust, Teamwork, Tolerance, Truth, Connection, Communication, Collaboration and Commitment

3. Leadership Optimisation

Create and Leverage Limitless, Likeable,  Leadership Impacts, and a High Performance Focus.

4. Culture Clearing

The way things are expected to be done around here” is the operating system that translates your organisation’s vision, mission, values, and resources, into meaning, behaviours and business results.

We need more HEROs in our Workplaces.

Tough Times Require Tough, Resilient People, With Happy Hearts, and High Performance Mindsets. 

As competition is ever-growing, business pressures increase, stress increases, causing companies to come under pressure to optimise performance, and thus they must do more with less, each day.

In order to ensure thriving, we need to activate, expand and align, people’s potential to their fullest, and develop them, to reduce the learned helplessness, and increase their Psychological Capital (PsyCap); Things like Hope, Efficacy, Resilience and Optimism (HERO), Mindsets, and build cohesive, committed, connected, collaborative, trusting high Performance, teams.

The challenge is very few workplaces, teach, and develop this Potential, Mindset, or PsyCap stuff.

What Is This GO Mindset Stuff?

IQ, vs EQ, vs AQ

We all know but IQ. We are learning more every day about the importance of EQ or emotional Intelligence, But very few people know much about AQ or Resilience, and REVOLUTIONARY high-performance workplaces’ #AdaptAgility.

AQ or Resilience

Resilience and the right mindset are the fundamental foundations, we need to be teaching our people, as the world gets tougher, tighter, and more competitive.

Mindsets Matter Most

We know from research, people with the right mindset can be up to 7 times more valuable to their organization and their team.  Leadership with the right mindset can be up to 8.4 times more valuable to the organization and their team..

Top 20 Mindset Qualities.

Do you know what the top 20 mindset qualities are to achieve this employee value increase? Do you really know the 6 core areas to address in creating a high performance workplace?

How Do I know If HPO Coaching is Right For Me?

You have to be ready for High Performance Coaching. Because this process will grow you in every area of your life.

HPO Coaching Approach


tony dovale conference keynote speaker 18 and High Performance Teams building events gauteng

HPO Coaching Approach

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8 Week Coaching Package

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More Details
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