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We will get back to you ASAP with a few high performance team building options to choose from.

 See testimonials (Click on left) of amazing impact and VALUE we delivered to our smart customers.

Note: Our Team Building Events and Experience is 100x more effective than kiddies games and the boerie, bow & arrow and braai brigade. ;)

To prepare for our Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx session please think about your:

– Top 3 blockages, limits or stumbling blocks?
– What do you want more of in your business?
– What does REAL success look like for you and your team?
– What are you prepared to invest to achieve this success and freedom?  

If you need any more convincing of the value and benefits we deliver…

see our amazing team building testimonials, from VERY happy clients who were SMART and invested in their People, Teams, Leadership and Culture optimisation process.  

Tony Dovale Res2 Keynote Speaker And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng

Team Building Quotes and Client Testimonials

“Best decision – better than games. We had more fun, Got to know and trust each other better. our office and department will be much more effective after this experience with Tony.” Manager

After Tony facilitated a half day team building with us we almost quadrupled our business to around 800 Million! That’s why we chose them again for this years session.. because our last session was truly amazing. Deon – IDT

I am so impressed with the power and effectiveness of your REAL team building process. I have done many team buildings, but I never experienced something like this where we get to the real heart of the people. The other team buildings are just “feel-good-for-a-moment” and leave you with nothing… This was amazing! I want you to come and facilitate the rest of my IDT teams… Mr Ayanda Wakaba (Wakes) Executive Head of DPS Independent Development Trust

This was life-changing and went way past our biggest expectations. Onwell Msomi – General Manager Coca Cola South Africa FIFA World Cup Management team)

Tony…Thank you for the extreme 2 days, it was really an eye opener and a bring you down to earth experience. Although we are only back for three days I can already say that there is a change and awesome team work has begun, I am really looking forward to what the team will achieve in the long run ahead – Matthias E&H 

