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 Team Building with Team Engagement Action Management

Our TEAM process (Team Action Engagement Management) follows Albert Humphrey’s TAM model with a slight addition. Alfred was a business and management consultant who specialised in Organisational Management and cultural Change, and devised the SWOT analysis technique and Tam Model..

TAM® is a step by step, formatted methodology (instructions and forms) which facilitates and enables any group i.e. team, council, committee, or board of directors, working together, to produce desired resilts like a budget or formal plan.

TAM (TEAM) can be used to speed up and guarantee the success of any TEAM project.

We’ve incorporated the Engagement aspect into TAM to create TEAM, based upon the latest trends and global team building research.

How TAM® (TEAM) works

  1. The senior executive sets the objectives, the timing and specifies results. (1 hour)
  2. The agenda, venue and objectives for the working party are published. (1.5 hours)
  3. Issues that prevent ENGAGEMENT, block ENERGY and are viewed as UNFAIR are addressed and resolved.
  4. The team and support staff are trained in the process and briefed on their duties and obligations. (3 to 12 hours)This may require training in Financial Planning.
  5. Business accounting data required by the team is produced, and giving to each member in a binder. Planning issues from all employees are collected. (8 hours)
  6. The Working Session is directed by the leader and policed by the assistant. This session produces the actual plans, which are used to control the project and to achieve results. (38 hours)
  7. Authorisation to implement the plan is obtained from higher authority. (2 hours)
  8. Implementation review meetings are directed by the leader and policed by the assistant. Results are reported and the document is updated. (5 hours per month)
  9. The team is coached until the final results and objectives are achieved. (elapsed time from two weeks to 18 months)

Pre-requisites to TEAM Team Building ?

TAM® identifies some very sensible underpinning factors; that for a business to be successful, there are 6 inter-related areas which have to be developed simultaneously. Again, simple common-sense.

  1. Products & Services – What are they, how do they work and when and how should they be improved.
  2. Process – How the products and services are to be made and/or assembled, including subcontracting and purchasing, labour and machinery.
  3. Customer – Who will buy the products and services and how will customers be persuaded to buy them.
  4. Distribution – How the product and services be warehoused, transported, delivered.
  5. Finance – Where will the money come from and how will the cash flow be controlled.
  6. Administration – How the organisation will be managed, the management style, the organisation structure and the people skills required. How to ensure ENGAGEMENT and ahigh ENERGY environment.

TAM® Process Steps

Step 1. Agree Objectives (Select the challenge, Critical Issues or Opportunity)

…Describe the situation
…Define objectives and results desired
…Appoint team Chairman and members
…Appoint session specialist and typist.

Step 2. Decide the Timing

…Establish sense of urgency and date to achieve results
…Publish the Programme and schedule of events

Step 3. Train the Team and Support Staff

…Organise work room and amenities
…Team Briefing
…Obtain everyone’s issues, views and feelings
…Address the issues casing ENERGY LEAKS, Dis-Engagement and Perceptions pertaining to unfairness

Step 4. Conduct Work Session..(the key to results)

…Read Keynote Speech and then
…follow the instructions for TEAM planning Step 5. Action towards Obtaining Results

…Present programme plans for approval by higher authority
…Publish Monitor and Control Schedule
…Team members work to agreed instructions
…Team Chairman reviews progress (individual and group)
… Setup Coach Approach Relationships to deliver as agreed.

Teambuilding with T.E.A.M. (TAM)

Contact us on 083-447-6300 for more info Next Step… need a quote? click here free Team building information?

Copyright 1996 – 2018. Life Masters Appreciative Team Building | 0)83-447-6300 / 011 467-1763 | Teamai@coachfree.com | Gauteng
Box 2357 Fourways 2055 Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

