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Costly People Performance Problems That We Solve

Below is the list of the typical issues we find in business’s with People, Teams, Leadership and Culture.

If you consider that something like CONFLICT, alone, can cost anywhere between 10% to 12% of you monthly salary bill in lost productivity.

A workplace with a few of these issues is losing HUGE amounts of money! 

This is why we have helped our clients 2x to almost 4X their performance and results, with our new and proven REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Philosophy, Framework, Process, and System. 

This pic below reveals a 250% improvement in VALUE/outputs for a SALES PERSON, When optimising the entire system. 

To transform your Mindsets, Meaning, and People, Teams, Leadership and Culture performance, See Http://www.lifemasters.co.za


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To transform your Mindsets, Meaning and People, Teams, Leadership and Culture performance, See Http://www.lifemasters.co.za

Become a Consciously Constructive High Performance Workplace that thrives with AdaptAgility in tough times.

Solve Your following Workplace Performance Challenges

Our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams process solves the following people, teams, leadership issues.

Back Biting
bad attitudes
Bad Communications
Bad Custome Service
Bad Execution
Bad Labour Relations
Bad Leadership
Bad work ethic
Combativie mindsets
Dictatorial Leadership
Divided Teams/Workplace
Dysfunctional teams
Fear & anxiety
Fear based culture
Focus on Weakness
Generational Conflicts
High Self Protection
High Stress
High Waste
Increase customer Complaints
Increased illness
Jumping to conclusions
Leadership Performance Problems
Learned Helplessness
Limiting beliefs

Living in the Past
Low Consciousness
Low EQ
Low Performance
Low Productivity
Low Psychological Capital
Low Self Confidence
Low Self Mastery
Medicre Performance
Missed deadlines
Missed targets
No accountability
No adaptibility
No agility
No Care
No coaching
No Compassion
No control
No Creativity
No Determination
No development
No Energy
No Energy
No growth
No Hope
No Innovation
No inspiration
No Love/Cae
No Motivation
No People Skills
No Persistence
No Resilience
No Teamworking Skills
No Trust
No Vision Mission Buy In

No Vision Mission Buy In
No work/Life Balance
Over Sensitive
People Retention Problems
Personal Performance Problems
resistance to management
Resisting Change
Rigid Views
Sales Numbers Falling
Self Sabotage
Separate tribes
Service Quality falling
Sleep Problems
Slow to change
Staff Complaints
Stuck in Comfort Zone
Stuck in the past
Talen loss
Team Performance Problems
Them and Us
Toxic Culture
Toxic Work Climate
Unhappy people
Union to Union Conflicts
Values conflicts
Vicim Mndsets
Unprofessional Behavior
Cultural conflicts

Solve Your Workplace Performance Challenges

Our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams process delivers the following people, teams, leadership benefits.

Benefits & Outstanding Value You Gain… P x T x L x C = Exponential

People Benefits (You Can Gain >10% of Salary Bill)

We Increase:

• Consciousness
• Psychological Capital
• Self-awareness
• Self-management
• Self-Confidence
• Self-Esteem, Self-Worth
• Emotional Intelligence
• Growth Mindset
• Integrity
• Morale
• Empathy & Gratitude

We Reduce:

• Self-suffering
• Apathy
• Stress
• Fear/anxiety
• Victim Mindset
• Back Stabbing
• Office politics
• Baggage/Static
• Dis-engagement
• Blaming & shaming
• Presenteeism/ Absenteeism

Staff Staying Rest Going1 And High Performance Teams Building Events Gauteng

Team Building Benefits (Reduce Talent Loss)

We Increase:

• Interpersonal Trust
• Psychological Safety
• Tolerance
• Communication
• Collaboration
• Cohesion
• Team Spirit


We Reduce:
• Dysfunctions
• Silo’s
• Turf Wars
• Apathy
• Disengagement
• Team conflicts
• De moralisation

Helpinghandlogo Trans And High Performance Teams Building Events Gauteng

Leadership Benefits (Grow Leadership Effectiveness)

Your People Gain Increases in 

• Leadership Consciousness
• Leadership Effectiveness
• Recognition & appreciation
• Credibility & Connection
• Collaboration & support
• Likeability & respect

We Reduce:

• Dunning Kruger impact
• Lack of trust
• Procrastination
• The need for FORCE
• Blind spots
• Disconnection

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Culture Benefits (Increase Competitive Advantages)

We Increase:

• Psychological Safety
• Action Orientation
• Honesty
• Accountability
• Values Clarity & Behaviors
• Wellness & Well-being
• Talent retention & Attraction

We Reduce:

• Culture Toxicity
• Negative Focus
• Distractions
• Disengagement
• Culture Constraints
• Fear-based Context
• Climate static

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