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Killer Company team Building Events & Company Strategy Review Experts

Why Choose Tony Dovale as your Killa Company Team Building Events Coach and Strategic Review Facilitator?

Tony has over 35+ years Years hands-on experience as a Entrepreneur, Facilitator, Coach, and High Performance Team expert. He is the developer of KILLA-CO.

Tony’s REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE with High Performance Teams KILLA COmpany process helps companies to unleash creativity and innovation, align FIERCE FOCUS and Energy, And create more meaningful engagement and commitment to the orgasnisations’ success.

Unleash Innovation with KILLA-CO

Killa-CO Team Building is a new corporate High Performance Team Building event, and optimisation process, that offers action learning experiences designed to build employee excitement, involvement, engagement, purpose, and passion, towards common and meaningful goals.

 The KILLA-COmpany Process: Cross Functional teams connect, collaborate and innovate, to design an organisation that will completely outperform your existing organisation in every dimension.

The core concept is to DISRUPT YOURSELF, BEFORE you are forced by your competitors.





Tony  designs and optimises various tools and techniques to help leaders optimise their People, Teams, Leadership and Culture effectiveness, in executing the company’s strategic actions.

Unleash your peoples Creativity and innovation to create a Killa Company that thrives

Results & Accomplishments


I believe the journey to accurate self-awareness and honest self-assessment is one of life’s most important challenges.

While this journey can be exciting, joyful and fulfilling, at other times it can also be overwhelming, exhausting and confusing.

However, it is through this intense journey to ‘self’ that one learns the art of the power of choice, self regulation, social awareness and relationship management which, together with empathy, transforms individuals, groups and businesses from good to great, creating a culture of future leaders who will inspire, empower and engage their followers.


We know that coaching makes the journey towards self-actualisation possible. We understand that undergoing coaching and development may call for clients to step outside of their comfort zone, a difficult task for some.

This process is made all the more easier when facilitated by approachable and empathetic coaches who strive to create a safe, non-judgemental environment conducive to personal growth and development.

We guide my clients towards gaining insight into their motivations and behaviours, assisting them to evolve and develop through self-understanding.

This in turn empowers my clients with the choice to change, reframe and re-programme their way of thinking, thereby unlocking their true potential and enabling them to flourish.


The purpose of the Enneagram is not to box people into a specific personality type, but to rather open a pathway to self-discovery and greater personal self-awareness.

Aside from offering insight into core personality traits, the Enneagram aims to uncover the patterns of behaviour that subconsciously drive and motivate us to act in certain ways.

By uncovering the unconscious layers of our personality structure and bringing these behavioural patterns, motivations, defence mechanisms and fears into consciousness, we are able to transcend them to develop richer, more supportive ways of living.

As the Enneagram diagnostic empowers us with a greater understanding of why we act and react in the ways that we do, we can in turn take responsibility for our own thought patterns, behaviours and development.



The Enneagram is an archetypal framework that offers in-depth insight into individuals, groups and collectives, proving to be very useful in a working team. 

Incorporating an open systems perspective, the Enneagram consists of three centres of intelligence with nine main Enneagram types and three sub-types each.

The Enneagram types represent the way that we think, feel and act in relation to the world, others around us and ourselves thereby deriving a sense of individualisation, integration and development.



While the benefits of using the Enneagram include a more in-depth, richer map to personal development, it can at first glance appear to be rather complicated.

Our coaches therefore begin by breaking down and explaining the Enneagram types and sub-types to our clients, allowing them to gain deeper insight and understanding of the behavioural patterns and motivations that underpin clients’ actions and reactions.

It is important to remember that while each of us have a core type, we as individuals comprise of all nine Enneagram types to unique and varying degrees.

Once clients have been equipped with this valuable insight, our coaches will use the Enneagram as a developmental tool during coaching sessions, assisting clients as they embark on a journey of integration and self development, learning how to better manage their challenges.

Ready To Build a KILLA-CO?
