Greatness of Grit and Resilience
GRIT is the defining element in what it takes to realize your most important and rewarding ambitions. If AQ is about defense — how you respond to whatever comes your way — GRIT is about offense. It defines the degree, duration, and quality of effort you invest to make good things happen.
Grit is being resilient in the face of failure and has deep commitments to a long term goal.
What does Mental GRIT predict?
According to extensive research, GRIT predicts:
- Goal Magnitude
- Goal Fulfillment
- Job Level
- Growth Mindset
- Agility
- Effort
- Engagement
- Persistence
- Performance
- Value
Additional collaboration with researchers from Cornell University and the Educational Testing Service reveal some additional insights:
Rising Above – GRIT predicts one’s ability to improve one’s station (socio-economic status) in life. Those who score higher tend to move up. Those who score lower tend to fall, or get stuck.
Fully Employed – GRIT predicts how employed a person tends to be. Those with less GRIT are more likely to be unemployed or underemployed. Those with more GRIT tend to be fully employed.
Health and Happiness – GRIT predicts a person’s quality of life and overall health. The greater one’s GRIT, the fuller, healthier, and more satisfying one’s life tends to be.
How well, how consistently, and to what extent do you actively seek fresh ideas, perspectives, and advice?
What is a Growth mindset: an attitude and approach to seek and consider new ideas, alternatives, approaches, and fresh perspectives.
This component encourages individuals to be open-minded and curious; and it also fosters a spirit of exploration, and a willingness to simply “do more,” to devote the extra time and energy it takes to stretch oneself, even in conditions of adversity or serious challenge.
How well, how fast, and to what extent do you put any and all adversity to constructive use.
Resilience/AQ: the capacity to bounce back from adversity or failure, and also
deal with adversity constructively by turning an unsuccessful experience into “fuel”
for increasing one’s effort in the next attempt.
Resilience enables you to endure setbacks, to try again harder, and to keep seeking solutions. It develops the mindset that taking risks, facing adversity, or tackling anything difficult is more meaningful, more intrinsically motivating, and ultimately more rewarding than simply performing the minimum amount of work or taking on only what is easy.
To what extent do you pursue the right/best goals, in the most effective ways?
Instinct: the innate desire to pursue the most worthy goals in the smartest ways.
This component reveals one’s capacity to harness past experiences and information gathered from others, to think critically, and to solve problems strategically.
It encourages creativity, agility, and practicality in working toward goals.
Compared to the best, how long, how hard, how far will you crank toward your most worthy goals?
Tenacity: persistence toward your goals, in spite of difficulty, challenge, or discomfort.
This also involves the ability to delay gratification, to repeatedly marshal focused
energy and effort, and to willingly exhibit passionate personal commitment to a goal.
Beware the Tipping Point of NO RETURN!
Commit to improving Grit, Growth, Compassion, Care, and Collaboration, that empowers your people.
As times get tougher – we personally need greater #ADAPTAGILITY: Resilience, Meaning, Grit, Growth, Grattitude and guidance to thrive in Tough VUCA Times.
Grit Institute
The GRIT Institute is an independent, worldwide, organically growing consortium of scholars, professionals, leaders, and learners interested in exploring and expanding the applications and implications of GRIT across an endless array of contexts and cultures.
Assessing and building GRIT™?
Developed by Paul Stoltz, Ph.D., CEO of PEAK Learning,Inc., the GRIT Gauge ™ has emerged as a potent tool.
Based on research conducted over 3 decades, in 63 countries, the GRIT Gauge is the only tool that measures both the quality & quantity of
one’s GRIT across 4 validated dimensions: Growth, Resilience, Instinct, & Tenacity.
Limitless Leadership
Are you…ready to lead more impact-fully, energetically, and consciously, into the LIMITLESS Leadership approach, for a productive, potent, positive present, with Clear intention, Vision & Love?
High Performance Teams Facilitation Services:
We offer Fast-Track Sessions, Master-Classes, Executive Coaching, Business Leadership talks and REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams interventions and facilitation.
Chat with us about Boosting your people, team’s and leadership performance.
We have clients 2x’ing, to almost 4x’ing, their results with our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx & #ADAPTAGILITY High Performance teams process.
The results of our interventions always add greater value, and increase business results. Clients interventions essentially pay for themselves with ROI’s into 50+
Limitless Leadership Workshops & Coaching
High Performance Team Coaching and Retreats
Our coaching and facilitation process works via face to face interventions, or Skype and Zoom, to bring leaders, managers, supervisors, team leaders, and teams, together.
We also do VERY POTENT, face-to-face, team and leadership facilitation, through “Mind-Grow-Flow” immersion retreats.
Our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Team Building Events are customised to your specifi workplace issues: context, constraints, needs, outcomes, and core business purpose. We usually approach Performance Optimisation projects in the following process: (Right)
Step 1. Clarify
Clarify the purpose, scope, longevity, importance, constraints, context, and measurable outcomes;
Step 3. Assessments & discovery
Assessment: High Performance CLEARx. Plus other measurements (EQ, AQ, etc) for current context;
Step 5. Post Event Assessment
Post project measurement: Track shifts, stalls, stuckness, and highlight next steps, and development needs, individually and collectively.
Step 2. Approach
Set-up appropriate discovery, communications, and supporting process; Platforms and facilitation.
Step 4. Intervention Process
Process, and intervention: The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE – People, Teams, Leadership and Culture experiential, action-learning process..
Step 6. Iterate and Optimise
6. Loop back to NO#1 to again go up another level… Close discovered GAPS. Unleash more Potential. Improve collaboration, commitment, competence and clarity.
Keynotes, Conferences, and Company events
Keynotes, Presentations and Master-Classes.
Tony Dovale is available to coach, speak, facilitate, or consult, on specific topics relevant to High Performance Courageous Growth Mindsets, Self and Leadership Mastery, REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACES, and team Collaboration.
Plus we facilitate potent High Performance strategic change management and boost interventions
This helps achieve more effective execution of strategic goals.
“We enable you to educate, inform, inspire, activate, and align, the fullest people potentials and actions.”
Take your people, and teams to exponential impacts and results.
Contact Tony Dovale
Get In Touch
To boost your people, teams, leadership and culture – please reach out to us here or call +27 (0)83-447-6300..
Tony Dovale
Developer and lead facilitator of the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance System for exponential impacts and results.