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High Performance People & Teams Process. 

Discover how to improve workplace well-being, health, happiness, and relationships, so you can create greater engagement, exponential impacts, and outstanding results, in tough and VUCA times..

Do you know…? You can create a great-place-to-work with good Well-being,  and high-performance teams, by using the proven REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE teams philosophy, framework and System?

Ever wonder why you have conflicts, presenteeism, low morale, dis engagement and team dysfunctions?

Here’s the BIG secret… If you have people, you will ALWAYS have people and teams challenges and workplace conflicts to solve!

With over 45 years, and more than R12 million in time & money invested, we’ve uncovered the best solutions for reducing your people performance problems, and creating a Revolutionary High Performance… happier, healthier, more conscious, connected, flourishing, workplace…with Greater ADAPTAGILITY and Performance Potential

It’s a tough challenge, But we’ve done it many times already.  We hack Human Software.

Let me explain… I needed to improve my own people’s, team’s, and leadership, performance… so I started to research, test,  design and refine, the best process and tools, starting 45 years ago… Its been my Life’s Passion, and Purpose.


I’m sure you also have conflicts, de-moralisation, low morale, dis-engagement, and team dysfunction that costing R1000’s each day.  In fact whats 10% of your monthly salary bill?  Typically that what most people are losing through conflict.

That number is typically a minimum of what you ARE losing each month!   Many clients often come to me confused, frustrated, and uncertain, how to solve their people performance problems. Within days and weeks we are able solve their biggest people, teams, leadership and Culture issues. 

The big questions on my client’s minds are…about thriving in tough times.

How can I improve workplace performance, trust, relationships, commitment, creativity, collaboration, resilience, GRIT. communications, well-being, and business results, humanely and sustainably?

Here is how…Invest just 55 Minutes to show you how to… Transform Your Workplace from Woe to WOW, and Whining to Winning, in 6 proven High Performance Ensuring STEPS.

Invest just 45 Minutes to learn how to Transform Your Workplace from Woe to WOW, and Whining to Winning, in 6 CLEARx proven STEPS to high performance workplaces.

Tony Dovale – CEO of Life Masters
High Performance – CLEARx Philosophy,
Framework &
 System for
Exponential Results.

Tony Dovale Transback 18 And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng

What I cover in this HPO Webinar

  • The CLEARx Proven HPO Framework
  • Culture, Context and Climate
  • Limitless Leadership
  • Appreciative, Agile Actions
  • Engagement & Energy
  • Right Mindsets & Relationships
  • Execution Excellence

We almost 4x’d our business from R200 Million to around R800 Million with Tony’s REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Process.

Deon - Financial Manager - Independent Development Trust

45+ years of R&D and refinement, and over R10 Million in time, and money, to create a Potent, Proven, Process for Exponential Results.

Revwork Clearx Package Dvds 2018.2.28A And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng