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Improve Teamwork

Build Trust, Connection, Collaboration, Tolerance, Peak Performance, Truth, Communication, Teamwork, Team Spirit & Cohesion

Limitless Leadership

Optimise Employee Engagement, Energy, alignment, meaning and Self Leadership, in tough times. Enable Greater People Performance.

Build Positive Culture

Reduce Racism, Conflicts, Negativity, Presenteeism, Dis-Engagement & Division. Boost people Performance with a HPO workplace Culture.
Revwork Staff Teambuilding Packages 2025V15K 1 And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng

“Increased Consciousness is the foundation of  your Mindset Operating System for Higher Performance”

High Performance Organisation Team Building Events Experts in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, for building greater #ADAPTAGILITY and cohesive teamworking.

We Partner With You To Facilitate High Performance RESULTS: in Your People #FutureFit Mindsets, Team Trust, Limitless Leadership & Organisational Culture.

Activate. Amplify, and Expand, Your Staff’s, Team’s & Leadership Performance Potential.


TurGO-Charge staff Team Building Performance by applying, proven action-learning frameworks, facilitation and #AdaptAgility coaching techniques, for enhancing personal, team, and organizational excellence.

Create #FutureFit Mindsets, and High Performance Team Buildings events, to bring out the best in your employees potential, improve teamworking, trust, performance and results.

 Turbo-Boost People’s Passion and Performance with our new Revolutionary Workplace High Performance Business Team Building Events, Activities, & Workshops that essentially almost pay for themselves*, because they are so good.

Kiddies Games NEVER builds a real team, nor “bakes” a real “cake” (Mataphor)!

Just as a cake is a sum of its ingredients and the baking process, so is a successful team-building session the result of a structured holistic approach specifically tailored to your unique needs and objectives.

In the world of team building, we can use the metaphor of baking a cake to explain why clients must avoid requesting specific team game activities and, instead, trust us to design the entire cake – the complete team-building experience.

🍰 The Team Development Ingredients – Diverse Team Activities 🍰

When baking a cake, we carefully select a blend of ingredients to create a delightful taste and texture.

Similarly, in team building, we curate a diverse range of activities, each serving a specific purpose.

Some activities might focus on communication, others on problem-solving or trust-building.

By combining these various elements, we ensure that your team gets a well-rounded experience that addresses different aspects of teamwork.

🎂 The Baking Process – Customization & Team Facilitation 🎂

A skilled baker understands the importance of precise timing and temperature during the baking process. In team building, the baking process is akin to customizing the activities to suit your team’s unique dynamics and challenges.

We consider factors like team size, industry, goals, and existing relationships to craft a tailor-made program that maximizes engagement and learning.

🍰 The Final Cake – A Unified HPO Team 🍰

Once the cake is baked and the flavors have melded together, it becomes a harmonious and delightful treat.

Similarly, our holistic High Performance team-building approach leads to a connected, cohesive team, that understands each other’s strengths, communicates effectively, and collaborates seamlessly.

The final cake is a unified team that is better equipped to tackle challenges and achieve shared goals.

🎂 Why Fun Team Games Aren’t Enough 🎂

As much as we love fun games, they are just individual ingredients. Just like sprinkles on top of a cake won’t make it whole, fun activities alone won’t create a cohesive team.

It’s the combination of various experiences and the careful crafting of each one that fosters real team development and growth.

🍰 Trust Our Expert Team Bakers – Experienced Team Building Professionals 🍰

When you choose us, you’re not just getting any baker – you’re partnering with highly experienced and professional team-building experts.

Our team knows how to blend the right activities, facilitate meaningful discussions, and extract valuable lessons from each experience.

So, the next time you’re looking to boost team performance and enhance collaboration, remember, it’s about the whole cake! Let us design a potent team-building action-learning experience that caters to your team’s unique appetite for growth and development.

Reach out to us, and let’s start baking GREATNESS together!

Need Increased Productivity from your Staff and Teams?

BOOST People, Teams, Leadership, and Culture, effectiveness, performance and passion.

Use the High Performance Teams GROWTH System and team building events.

We Optimise Lifetime Value-add, and achieve outstanding performance and results, with our HPO Teams Events.

Activate, expand, amplify, and align, your people’s highest potentials, and passions, for 10xponential impacts and results.

High Performance System Team Building Consultants

Corporate Team Building Events in Gauteng: The Importance of Building Strong, Connected, Cohesive, Teams


In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing, VUKA business, environment, having strong and connected teams can be the difference between success and failure.

Corporate Team building events, activities, and exercises, are a proven way to build stronger, more cohesive high performance teams that work together more effectively to achieve common goals.

One of the most important benefits of team building events is that they help to improve communication and collaboration among team members.

When team members are able to communicate effectively and work together and collaborate seamlessly, they are able to accomplish more than they would be able to individually.

In addition, team building activities and exercises can help to break down barriers and build trust among team members, which is essential for building a strong and cohesive team.

Another important benefit of team building is that it helps to boost morale and team motivation.

When team members feel connected and valued, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to do their best work.

In addition, team building activities and exercises can help to create a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose, which can be a powerful motivator for team members.

There are many different types of company team building activities and exercises that can be used to build stronger, more connected teams.


Some popular options include:

Outdoor activities and Team challenges: Outdoor Team activities and challenges such as ropes courses and team games can be a fun way to have a good time together …

They don’t build deep trust, communication, and teamwork among team members.

Team Problem-Solving Exercises:

Problem-solving exercises such as escape rooms and mystery challenges can be a fun and engaging way to build basic problem-solving skills and fun teamwork among team members.

Volunteer and service projects: Volunteer and service projects such as community clean-up and fundraising efforts can be a great way to build a sense of shared purpose and social responsibility among team members.

No matter what type of company team building activities and exercises you choose, it is important to make sure that they are well-organized and well-facilitated.

A good team building facilitator will be able to help you design and plan activities that are tailored to the specific needs and goals of your team.

Real Team Building Events

In conclusion, corporate team building events are essntial investments for any organization that wants to build strong, connected, high performance  teams that can work together effectively to achieve common goals.

With the right executive team building events, facilitated activities and potent exercises, you can improve communication, collaboration, morale, and motivation among your team members, ultimately leading to better performance and more successful outcomes.

Rapid Cohesion

Understand and embrace team mates mindsets and perspectives

Engagement Improvement

Improve leadership – Build commitment, optimise energies, talents and passion.

Alignment of Momentum

Process and action-learning to rapidly unify on goals, tactics and actions.

Reduce Conflict

Neutralise, reduce and enhance creative conflicts, with commitment to collaboration

Talent Optimisation

REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE process enables people and teams to optimise connection, communication, collaboration and contributions.

Span Silo's

Overcome silo’s, embrace cross-functional structure collaboration. work as 1 united holistic team.

Consciously Constructive

Develop a learning High Performance culture connecting people with their aims, values and meaningful goals to transform, Optimise and strengthen organizations.

Expand Potential

Help your people, teams, and leadership be the best versions they can be , to thrive in tough VUCA times.

Testimonial: I’ve NEVER been in a training that is this inspiring before!  ANSA – HR Manager Nissan South Africa

“It was VERY Awesome… very energizing, very inspirational! I definitely think our organisation can use this type of training.

It covers so many different elements, of motivating teams, getting teams to work together better. Getting to really understand each other.

The fun, the camaraderie…the whole energetic level of the team improved.

Because it’s actually thinking out of the box.

It’s getting to different ideas and different ways. Actually getting people to think about understanding each other…

What makes you tick? What makes you happy? what makes you sad?

And how do you need to look at these insights? A good understanding of yourself, where you need to be, where you are going?

I REALLY enjoyed it. And I definitely feel good.

We definitely need this training in our organisation!” –

ANSA – HR Manager Nissan South Africa

Nissan Ansa Team Building Testimonial2S And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng
Team Building Gauteng Events Facilitators

WHY We Do High Performance Teams?

“We Believe People With The Right MINDSETS Relationships Are Your Most Valuable Assets.  So, everything we do, is designed to solve your leading people problems. Our Revolutionary Workplace Peak Performance Process is proven and pretty effective. We just happen to facilitate world’s BEST Team Buildings workshops? Want to try one?”
Corporate Team Building Johannesburg Activities Facilitators

WHAT We Do...Remove Constraints, Activate Potential & Align SWIFT Action

“We Solve Team Dysfunctions Through Our PEOPLE FIRST Consciously Constructive Mindset Mastery system and Our Expert Team Building Facilitators and Consulting. We design POTENT action-learning experiential Appreciative Inquiry MindShifting Corporate Team building workshops; A personal, team building, and culture change EXPERIENCE that’s LifeShifting? You should try it!”
Team Building Joburg Facilitators

Shift From SLOW to GO Performance

We Create #FutureFit Mindsets; We build your People, Teamwork, Leadership and Culture from Hope-Performance to HIGH Performance! ReThink and Re-engineer Mindsets, Consciousness, Identity, Perspective, Trust, Teamwork. Reduce; Racism, Learned Helplessness, Limiting Beliefs, Presenteeism & Conflicts

Revwork Staff Teambuildng Package 2018V2S And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng

HOW We Facilitate High Performance Teams and Long Lasting Results...

45+ years of refinement and our Consciously Constructive Expert Team Building facilitated experience ENSURES you get to the HEART of the matter. Our REAL High-Performance activities; Team-Flow-Grow (REAL) and Team-Flow-Tainment (More Fun) delivers a 5x ROI against other Events. We are SERIOUS about YOUR SUCCESS!

Tonydovale 3D Stack Cover Trans And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng

Staff engagement & REAL Team building experts d eliver exceptional VALUE

Tony’s 42+ years of Experience and expertise in optimising mindsets, transforming team working, leveraging leadership, and clearing your culture of negativity, means you get world-class results.

We custom design EVERYTHING… to be relevant and right for your people, teams, Leadership and workplace performance optimisation.

Outstanding!! Best in all of my years! In all my years in business, and in my executive positions, this Revolutionary Workplace experience, is by FAR, the BEST leadership and company teambuilding development process I have ever participated in! We got such incredible value and results with my EXCO!
Exco Head -

Principle Officer, 4th Largest Medical Aid

Wow! You achieved miracles! We never believed it possible for our TRUST levels to be so transformed in such a short time. You have really helped us to build an amazing foundation, trust & culture. Best teamworking experience, in my life!
Sue -

COO SAHSRC, South African Human Sciences Research Council

WOW!  I’m so impressed with the power and effectiveness of your HPO process. I’ve done many events before, but never experienced something like this experience, where we get to the real HEART of the people and the matter. Other group activities are just “feel-good-for-a-moment”. They leave you with nothing. Tony’s process was amazing, and so valuable, for all of us!
Mr Ayanda Wakaba (Wakes)

Executive Head, Independent Development Trust

Revolutionary Workplace High Performance Team Building Workshop Quotes, Plans and Investments

Our team development process is essentially better than FREE, because it pays for itself with the impacts and results we deliver.

We do our best to fit within your constraints and still deliver OUTSTANDING VALUE AND IMPACT.

We customise EVERYTHING. Starting from the pre event team assessments, and the personal interviews and questions, to discover the constraints, conflicts, and issues, causing the performance challenges.

We facilitate Half or Full day and Multi Day Appreciative Inquiry style Action Learning Staff/ Management /Executive Team Building Events and Action-learning Experiences.

We also offer post team building events support, coaching, mentoring, and consulting, and follow up assessments, to ensure sustainability and deeper impacts.

Team Building Events Workshop Session Intervention fees range from R395 per person to around R5000 per person, depending upon: 

– Depth (Light, Medium and POTENT),

– Duration (1 hour to 5 days to 3 months)

– Assessments (15 to choose from)

– Group size

– Facilitation Intensity

– Post-event support

– Optional coaching packages duration.



Our highly effective affordable Corporate team building events, sessions, packages, and workshops, boost your business and team performance in many ways: 


  • See a huge increase in trust levels, respect, open communications, and better relationships
  • Better understand the process and principles of high performance people and teams
  • Dramatically improve connection, collaboration and and co-operation
  • Understand how team success leads to individual success
  • Experience an increase in energy, inspiration, motivation, and meaning
  • Understand, and be more tolerant of, members mindsets, values, attitudes
  • Reduced Stress, Conflicts, Presenteeism, and Dis-engagement
  • Stronger commitment to team goals and results.


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