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What is Your Company CHI? – Corporate Happiness Index

Discover The Value and benefits Of The New SCIENCE of HAPPINESS, For Improving Your Corporate Happiness Index, and creating a REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE, with high performance People, Teams, Leadership and Culture.

So What Has Corporate Happiness Index (CHI) Got To Do With Your Business Success?

Revolutionary Workplace High Performance  Teams


CHI, in traditional Chinese culture, or QI, is described as a pervasive “life-force” energy; an active “energy flow”, forming part of every living thing. 

It can be compared to Western notion of “vitalism” or a liveliness energy that sustains and supports blossoming life. 

This “life Force” enables action and achievement. It is  needed for life, flourishing and well-being to prevail.

The Chinese believe CHI permeated everything.

They liken it to the flow-of-energy around and through the body, forming a cohesive and functioning unit and linked them and their surroundings together.

Think about your team and company… it’s like a living entity/being, with a group / team mindset, Culture, consciousness and different levels of healthy, well-being, energy and action.

Qigong is the practice of aligning; breath, physical activity and mindfulness / awareness for optimal performance and wellness..

Your Corporate Happiness comes from improving mental, emotional, spiritual and corporeal health, as well as the effective development of human potential and psychological Capital.

It involves the management and balance of the Corporate Happiness Index/QI within each person’s body and energy, plus and its interaction with other people, teams and the organisational surroundings.


So How’s Your Company’s CHI? Corporate Happiness Index


When last did you consider how your company’s Chi is doing? 

Your Corporate Happiness index is an important indicator… Is your company filled with vital, vibrant, positive, resilient, energy; healthy, happy and capable; conscious, caring and life-giving people and company culture?

Or are there pockets of greedership, unskilled leadership or management, and negative, disengaged staff mind-sets contaminating and destroying your corporate Chi, and losing you profits, productivity and sleep.  

All companies have a little of  the entire spectrum of leadership to greedership, from unhealthy and unhappy to flourishing and thriving.

But do you know what or who causes the shifts and differences?


Do you have any idea of what your Corporate Happiness Index really is right now?

Would you find or improve it, if you knew that this Corporate Happiness Index is directly related to vital areas of business;

• Employee engagement and Happiness levels
• Staff satisfaction  and commitment levels
• Time on task – productivity levels
• Resilience & Positivity
• Absenteeism levels
• Performance; Talent & Skills Application

The Science of Happiness – Pays healthy dividends


Are you looking for more productivity, performance and profits… consider this…More than 6 years of scientific backed research carried out worldwide shows that employees who are happier at work:

  • Are 180% more energized
  • Are 155% happier in their jobs
  • Are 108% more engaged at work
  • Are 150% happier with life
  • Love their jobs 79% more
  • Are 50% more motivated
  • Have 40% more confidence
  • Achieve their goals 35% more
  •  Contribute 25% more


People who are happiest at work report that they are 47% more on task than their least happy colleagues; in practical terms this equates to them putting in an extra 1.25 days a week as compared to the unhappiest employees. 

That’s a full 25% more productivity! So your Corporate Happiness index has HUGE value for leaders, managers and smart entrepreneurs.

Not only that, but the happiest employees in the U.K. & the U.S. private sectors only take 1.5 days off sick a year compared to an average of 6 days off by the average employee. (In the public sector, the same comparison is 11 and 20 days).

That’s a reduction in absenteeism of around 400%! If that is important to you, then the multiplier effect of being unhappy at work is huge.

And so the new and powerful, The Science of Happiness,  is here to assist you.

If you are a savvy leader, you could be open and interested to get smart and take action to discover, measure and enhance your CHI (Company Happiness Index)… Why?

Because when you appreciate and value the power of PEOPLE & PROFIT– you will understand that that the world has changed.

We need to ReThink Leadership and Rethink Business to ensure future success.

You can trust happiness at work to transform your Corporate Happiness Index… You’ll be happier, and so will your staff be happier, that you did. 

We’re your corporate Chi-gung Coaches and Workplace Happiness transformation facilitators. Happy!?

To measure Happiness at work, Profiles offer Measurement,  guidance for Coaching and foundations for effective happy mindset team building facilitation – Be smart discover, measure and improve your Corporate Happiness Index Today…

Transform your organisational Culture into high performance team.

Contact Tony Dovale on 083-447-6300 or complete inquiry form 

 “Corporate Happiness is evoked through stimulating and productive Team building”


