Fun TeamBuilding Activities Facilitators & Consultants Gauteng- 1 Day Fun Team Events
High Performance Workplace Team Building FUN-damentals Fun Team Building Packages
Staff, Management and Executive TeamBuilding Events, Workshops and Team Retreats Benefits
Gain the benefits of our unique and extensive experience in REAL team building and blend that with Fun, Energy, Appreciation, Discovery and customised challenges to make your whole day a team adventure!
Our full day fun corporate team building development events include a range of engaging powerful team building activities and trustbuilding interventions to address most aspects of building positive and effective teamwork in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.
The group activities can be run indoors or outdoors. Most of our activities and games are designed to be multi-functional.
That is… they can be fun, light games, or they can be designed into really powerful team dynamics development encounters to improve team laignment, engageement and satisfaction.
Our interventions test and challenge your people on many levels, mental, physical, teamwork, innovation, team problem solving, group creativity, leadership, organisation, innovation, collaboration, communication.
We custom design the full day team building sessions to suite your specific needs.
The Fun Team building days’ focus is on TEAM FUNdamentals, Relationship, connection, communication, teamwork and safety.
- 1. Fun, laughter, excitement
- 2. Unconditionally safe from obligation. humiliation or pressure
- 3. New ides for playing, learning, growing and discovery.
Our 1 day or 2 day staff team building activities focus on bringing a greater awareness of how we show up at the workplace. How we can bring more humor, tolerance, fun, learning and friendship to our teams, departments, and workplaces for greater staff energy, engagement, satisfaction, wellness, and well-being.
PART 1 of Team Building FUNdamentals:
- Who and How to elicit passion / enthusiasm
- Passion & Purpose starts with Who?
- WOW workplace – whats engaging at work?
- Roles & Goals of your roles in office
PART 2: of Team Building FUNdamentals:
- Attitude controls Altitude
- Handling Reality 10% : 90% Rule and how to Respond
- Lighten your Load
- He who Laughs – Lasts! – Resilience & Laughter
PART 3:of Team Building FUNdamentals:
- Care Bear
- All Aboard – Together
- Pay It Forward

Fun Team Building Events Activities can include
– R U A REAL Leader
– Back Stabbing Delight
– Remote Da Vinci Drawing – Vision Keepers
– Formula Won – Mini Version
– Balloon Platoon
– Memory Max
– Trust me brother
– Giant Blox
– Chippy Race
– Puzzle Panic
– Tower Challenge
– Pass the Parcel Please
– Plate Pounce
– Tangram Tantrums
– Culinary Castle
– Wall Of Wonder
Talk to us to explore the possible team building activities and trust building events for your group. call Tony 083-447-6300 for our Special Team Building full day deals
1 Day Fun Teambuilding Events Gauteng
Appreciative Inquiry and #AdaptAgility can transform your 1 day corporate indoor team building into a team boosting experience.
Next Step… need a quote? Or free Team building information?
Copyright 1996 – 2023. Life Masters Appreciative Inquiry Team Building | 083-447-6300 / 011 467-1763 | Gauteng
Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa