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High Performance REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACES and People Performance Enablement

It’s time to become far more Conscious: Considerate, Compassionate, Credible, Capable, and Connected

Time to approach business with the new Growth-Optimised Mindsets, that are Consciously Constructive, to ensure meaningful adaptability, growth, and contribution, for thriving in the ever-changing VUCA conditions, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution…

Note to Leaders… AdaptAgility is Needed NOW… because the Revolution is already here, and learned-helplessness is spreading faster than Covid!

The PROBLEM: MOST People are struggling during these unprecedented times on change, challenge, uncertainty AND Opportunity, and management isn’t fully prepared to properly cope with the wide range of changes and challenges.

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The High Performance Workplace REVOLUTION Is Here!

  • Employee engagement is dismal?
  • Talent is restless?
  • Conflict is crippling productivity.
  • Absenteeism and Presenteeism are growing!
  • Trust is Trashed?
  • Teamwork is dysfunctional or non-existent.
  • Racism is rampant and politics prevail.
  • Finite Resources are being wasted!
  • profits are declining.
  • People performance is waning due to stress, duress, burnout, disconnection and loneliness.


The VUKA world is here…now!  Changing technologies, multi-cultures, shifting demographics, resource constraints, COVID Constraints, and competition everywhere, means managers and leaders must prepare their mindsets and their workplaces, for the Workforce of the future…TODAY!

We must also adopt sane approaches to success, and embrace the New Consciousness, Circular Economy, and Limitless Leadership trends, or bear the consequences.

The Revolutionary Workplace Team Building with Tony Dovale - Author, Expert Facilitator - Organisational Culture and Leadership Research Reveals

  • 70% of Leaders…aren’t leaders
  • 70%-80% or more of staff are not fully engaged.
  • 60%-80% of M&A’s never deliver as envisaged
  • over 50% of change initiative fail.
  • 9 out of 10 Managers are NOT GREAT Managers
  • Up to 65% of your staff might be open to leave… for a better workplace, culture and management style.

Pray that the good staff stay and the not-so-great ones go. That’s not the reality, though.

The goods ones always have more options when looking around for a better workplace experience.

And with Covid’s new shift in people’s Consciousness about meaning, value, and growth, many will be leaving for a better quality of life.

It’s about Limited Resources… Like time. It’s about TIME…


  • for a break with the past to create a break-through in the workplace and business landscape. Greedership and Bleedership are killing productivity, passion, engagement, and innovation.
  • for a break with command-and-control to connect, communication, create, empower, energise, engage, and truly unleash potential.
  • Science of Happiness Team building Assessmentsfor a new Growth-Optimised MINDSET, and a new way of thinking about positive business and the new workplace.
  • to realise we cannot continue on the existing path… in many areas of life and business!
  • It’s time… to rethink… PEOPLE, PLANET and PROFIT, and our roles, impacts, and consequences.

It’s time… for creating a REVOLUTIONARY NEW WORKPLACE that supports all stakeholders: People, Planet AND Profits and delivers outstanding value, impacts, and results.

We Need To Rethink How We Think …

Can you really afford to keep underutilizing your most important and valuable resource—your people?

With more than two-thirds of people disengaged in the workplace, chronic levels of stress, duress, culture mess, growing racism, and conflicts… we need a new a new more effective, positive and constructive approach, to successfully get through these Covid constraints and conditions.. 

That is the Revolutionary Workplace and the High-Performance CLEARx system.

Revolutionary workplace High Performance Team Building framework Tony Dovale

Through our unique Revolutionary Workplace’s High Performance- framework, philosophy and system, we impact personal, team, and leadership, performance in these core areas:

  • Culture: Context, Constraints, Conditions and Creativity
  • Leadership: Limitless, Learning, Lifting, and Love
  • Engagement: Energy, Enablement and Experience
  • Appreciative Agile Action and Accountabilities
  • Right Mindedness: Resilient Mindset, Meaning & Self Mastery
  • eXecution towards Excellence, Empowerment, and Exponential results

The Revolutionary Workplace is conscious of the fact that leaders, and managers, have a SUBSTANTIAL impact on the well-being, engagement levels,  and performance, of their employees, teams, and business results.

And that they can help optimise potential, and workplace performance, by focusing on core mindsets, values, and behaviors, that are vital to reducing workplace stressors and burnout and ensuring greater success by:

  • Providing recognition and praise for staff doing good work
  • Ensuring teams have the materials, tools, context and equipment to do effective and efficient work
  • Empowering and listening to input and feedback,
  • Providing the channels for staff to feel and see that their opinions to count.
  • Creating a Psychologically Safe, Supportive and enabling work space
  • Creating a positive, high-performance culture and positive role models
  • Ensuring good RELATIONSHIPS horizontally and vertically.

Our The Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx High Performance AdaptAgility system is a holistic approach to systemic challenges experienced in  most companies today.

Leadership has the power to embrace, empower, and enable, a new approach to business that is positive, proactive, and provides a smarter, more sustainable, sane and sensitive… to be more HUMANITY POSITIVE.

Talk to us for keynote business talks, team building workshops, Leadership coaching, assessments/ diagnostics, or Strategic Innovation, to begin to energise, align, and activate, the full potentials of your people and teams.

For Expert Team Building Talks, workshops, retreats and Executive coaching contact Tony Dovale on 083-447-6300  for talks and presentations Registered & Protected KZLX-RCA2-476V-WS0O


Tell Us What You Need…

Speak to us about your next business conference, Workplace team building, Strategic retreat or special event.

Our People bring passion and a wealth of Mind-Grow-Tainment to help you create an amazing experience, and help you to Enable greater People Performance.

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