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MASTERCLASS: BOOST Sales With The New Leading-Edge Approach… The SALES ADaptagility

Create a REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE, High-Performance Sales Team, that Achieves 10Xpotential, and Outstanding Results in Tough Times.

SALES AdaptAgility Masterclass

...For Sales Professionals, Service Agents , High Performance Entrepreneurs, & Sales Leaders, to BOOST Business with Higher Performance People. Shift from Sales pusher to Trusted Advisor!
Book Your SeatsAbout Facilitators

Client Testimonial #1:  “Tony helped us double sales revenue with his REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE
Sales System Coaching in just 90 days!” – Leanne Manager Gina

Revolutionary Sales Accelerator & HPO AdaptAgility System

• Develop Growth-Optimised Mindsets and motivation of top producers
• How To become a Trusted-Advisor & Expert Challenger
• How To transform your relationships, rapport and results SWIFTLY
• How to overcome anxiety, resistance, reluctance & Rejection.
• How To open, follow-up and close lik a PROFESSIONAL.
• Neutralise the devastating effects of ZMOT and Digital-Decimation

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Benefits Of Sales Accelerator Masterclass

• Grow top-tier High-Performance sales professionals and teams
• Increase sales revenue per saleperson (Life Time Value by 250%).
• Retain your best sales professionals for longer
• Generate new business more regularly
• Optimise and expand your existing sales base
• Outsmart and out sell your competition with client values elicitation
• Become #FutureFit for Thriving in a VUCA* world.

Testimonial #2: “We grew from R30 Million, to R50 Million, to R100 Million, with Tony’s
REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE System.  Our New Target R200 Million!” Allison – Lovell Packaging.

Sales Accelerator Impacts 5 Levels

Companies spend billions on sales training!

Yet few sales leaders are satisfied with the results they are getting. Why?

Because the traditional sales training workshop paradigm is broken.

80% of sales content training is forgotten within 30 days of the sales training workshop.

High-performers know that’s it’s vital to assess and grow continuously.

Our systems impact People, Teams, Leadership, Culture, Performance and Results.

The new High Performer’s Sales Accelerator system confers serious advantages upon the person and teams that take advantage of it.

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Testimonial #3: “Working with the REVOLUTIONARY High Performance system, we boosted
business from R200 Million to almost R800 Million”. Deon -Financial Manager IDT.

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The Sales AdapAgility System is perfect for Sales professionals, SMME’s to large corporations, Internal Sales Teams, Telemarketers, Insurance Sales Agents, Vehicle Sales Individuals, Direct Sales Associates, Real Estate Professionals, and anyone interacting, and competing, in a commercial space with prospects, and clients.

Masterclass Workshop Format:

We use our special blend of Mind-Flow-Grow:

Information, Videos, Action Learning, Case-Studies, Role-Plays, Future-Pacing, #FutureFit Coaching and Peer Coaching. 


Call for details and dates to Boost Your BIZ!

Times are TouGH Today & Sales are slow!

Today, in a VUCA (Volatile Uncertain, Chaotic, Ambiguous*) World. It’s no secret that times are TOUGH, and getting tougher.

There are countless unexpected obstacles and challenges sales people encounter in today’s ever-changing business landscape.

We need Bullet-Proof Mindset Sales People!

Even if you, as a manager, get everything right, the sales context is constantly changing to such an extent that many sales initiatives don’t perform as planned. Considering all this, it not surprising that most sales people/teams struggle.

Plus, the demands on today’s sales professionals are evolving more quickly than ever. How do you reduce sales complexity and times, and accelerate sales traction? How do you get ahead of digital ZMOT? (Zero Moment of Truth)

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ELTV 32c 1 and High Performance Teams building events gauteng

SALES AdaptAgility SYSTEM Adds REAL Value

In response, the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Sales AdaptAgility Masterclass provides:

  • Transformative tools,
  • New actionable insights,
  • Detailed strategies,
  • Innovative tactics,

..to help your people, teams, and sales leadership gain resilience, resourcefulness, responsiveness, agility, and SWIFT Action, as you face quickening challenges and tougher times.

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• Gain insight into what is happening in the world of ZMOT and Neuro Sales, including new and innovative techniques being used by your peers and Sales leaders.
• Learn new tactics for dealing with the uncertainty, risk-taking, the resistances to decision making that can threaten sales initiatives.
• Increase sales engagement and reduce resistance by embedding practices, mindsets and behaviors on all levels that support your strategic goals & vision.
• Identify new technologies within your sales process to improve results.
• Practice and experiment with new 7x Mindsets, new approaches, and skill sets, enabling you to serve clients more effectively.
• Learn latest NeuroSales, and Sales Persuasion insights (NLP Strategies)
• Experience Mind-Grow-Flow: Deep Dive Personal Identity and Mindset Rewiring, that transforms Self-Worth, Self-Esteem and Self Confidence
• Build Courageous Growth-Optimised Mindsets that make your people 7x more valuable
• Develop Bullet-Proof mindsets and mental fortitude and courage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Booking Contacts & Process?

Bookings: For public and inhouse masterclass sales trainings and coaching, call the Results Experts today.

Email: SalesResults@coachfree.com

Or Call 

Tony Dovale Mobile 083-447-6300

Why Choose Sales ADAPTAGILITY?

Based upon over 35+ years and over R20 Million, in R&D, the CLEARx High Performance System model can boost your (ELTV) Employee Life Time Value, by at least 250% improvement. In some cases, even more.

It’s truly Revolutionary!

Your Expert Facilitators:

Tony Dovale, CEO of Life Masters.co.za

Book Seats to BOOST Your Business 10Xpotenetially

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