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Do You Want a High Performance Team?

Get Your HPO Team Building Quote and FREE Revolutionary Workplace High Performance Organisation (HPO) Assessment.
Free Value R15,000

Optimise People, Teams, Leadership & Culture for
10xPotential Results, and thriving in tough times.

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35+ Years & over R20 Million R&D 

The Revolutionary Workplace High-Performance System, is the brainchild of Tony Dovale.

According to his clients:

“…delivers the most profound, potent and transforming experience. He turbo-charges Potential, Passion, Performance AND Profits “

Tony Dovale Transback 18 And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng

#FutureFit HPO Free Trial

Claim Your Revolutionary Workplace assessment (Value R15,000 Max 12 Pax Free)

– Understand where your people & teams are strugling.
– See the specific areas needing attention and optimisation. 

me support, and where they are thriving and flourishing. How they can WIN More often.

  • Insightful and actionable
  • Clearly see what areas need help
  • Discover ares of negative impacts
  • Helps to focus leadership actions
  • Uncover the REAL challenges

“Tony helped us go from R200 Million to almost R800 Million annual revenue, with his Revolutionary Workplace Process.” Deon – Financial Manager Independent Development Trust.

Get Your FREE* HPO Quote / Assessment Now.

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CLEARx: The Proven, Potent, Practical Approach to Activating and Expanding People & Teams Potential.

Tony’s 35+ years of R&D brings the Revolutionary Workplace High Performance System, and CLEARx framework, to the public for the first time.

The Consciously Constructive Teams approach covers the proven 6 “Magic” areas, that must be optimised, to develop the foundations of sustainable, happy, high-performance teams and thriving workplaces.

  • Clear Culture, Climate & Context
  • Limitless Leadership
  • Energy and Engagement
  • Appreciative Agile AdaptAgility Actions
  • Right Mindsets & Relationships
  • eXecution Excellence

The full Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx HPO Framework consists of 60 or 90 statements, in the 6 CLEARx dimensions, that once data-visualised, give you deep insights into the heart and Soul of your People, Teams, Leadership and Culture. See samples graphs below.

Team Building Hpototal And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng

HPO Totals Dimension

Team Building Hpotot By Manager And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng

Managers Impacts

Team Building Hpoq3 And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng

Management Credibility

Team Building Hpo By Area By Person And High Performance Team Building Events Ideas Gauteng

HPO by Person

IF These SMART Companies TRUST US, You Can Too!

Why do global brands like Vodacom, Gijima NEC, Coke, Standard Bank, AND hundreds of smart, forward thinking, companies, use our #FutureFit Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx High Performance system to optimise their people, teams, leadership and culture? Because they transformed mindsets, meaning, self-Mastery; Turbo-charge teamwork, trust, and truth; and have boosted their performance and grown their business. Some by over 50%-380% growth, using the Consciously Constructive (CC) HPO System.

Our Team-Flow-Grow Effectiveness is No Accident

The CC Revolutionary Workplace High-Performance Framework is an academically validated and proven framework, researched, refined and developed over 42 years, that you can use to Turbo-Charge and optimise your People, Teams, Leadership and Culture, to deliver Exponential Results.

Practical, Proven, Actionable, Best-Practices

We give you practical, actionable, guidance and experiential action learning mindsights, so you’ll achieve growth and results consistently. This means you’ll build success upon success—and take your Teams performance, up to the next few levels of impact and productivity.

Become a CONSCIOUSLY CONSTRUCTIVE #CC,  Revolutionary Workplace #RevWork, and use business as a force for greater good, beyond just profits.

Time to ensure your people, teams, leaders and company culture,  are #FutureFit today…in a VUCA world.

Please Note: Our Consciously Constructive interventions are no ordinary Staff and Team Building events – This is a unique, Mind-shifting, Life-giving…Team transforming experience… It’s Corporate SOUL SURGERY!

Testimonial: As one local #4 Medial Aid CEO/PO said, “In all of my business career – I’ve never experienced something this powerful and profoundly effective!”

R 1,000,000 Worth of Total Value- FREE

Once we reach the R,1,000,000 total value target, The Free Revolutionary Workplace High Performance Assessments- we will be closing. So that’s just 80 possible deals available. 26 are already taken – just 76 left to go… So make sure you take action now…    

Free Gift Offer deadline







