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ClearX Profiling and Assessment enhance Teambuilding developmentPre Event Company Team Building Assessments, Analytics, and Diagnostics and Profiles for High Performance Teams, uncovering Issues, Performance Evaluation and Constraint Discovery.

Team Diagnostic surveys, People Assessments, office climate diagnostice and workplace performance analytics enable you to be able to see currently reality, as well as any shift in mindsets, attitudes, performance and results from our Revolutionary Workplace CLEARx High Performance Framework High Performance Teams Process.,

It is important to get baseline measurements before you start any team development interventions

This must include how the teamwork, leadership, organisational Culture, Conflicts, Psychological Safety, Trust, and numerous other aspects of business performance and effectively working together.

If you do some team building, have areas you can measure and monitor to ensure your ROI. We offer a range of pre-event profiles which create our Personal DASHBOARD. These enable us to get a better handle on the Team Trust, and states of each person before the Team Building Activities.

Specialised profiles enable you to discover specific information.  Once you have the  current reality, you can then begin to design and create the new more effective and sustainable reality in  a structured and effective manner.

To ensure that we deliver amazing and outstanding team building intervention results, ee offer a range of pre-event profiles. These profiles are consolidated to create our Personal DASHBOARDs.

These enable us to get a better handle on the Team Trust, and mental/ emotional states of each person before the Team development Activities.

Our profiles have been developed over many years to help us get to the heart of the matter. They enable us to discover the specific areas that need attention.

Don’t Waste your Money on “just-fun” Team Games!

We believe that a professional approach to optimising personal, team and company performance is required. This approach must address the individual, the team, leadership, organisational culture and context.

Many companies waste their time and money on teambuilding games, which deliver no real value or long term sustainable impacts. The staff might have fun for a day, but what real value will the business gain in the longer term for its investment in time and money.

Imagine having this kind of information at your finger tips…

  1. Resilience / AQ Profile
  2. Emotional Awareness Profilelife-masters-team-building-profiles-700x518
  3. Team Fitness Profile
  4. Engagement Profile
  5. CASTLE Workplace Scan
  6. Job Inventory
  7. Personal Energy
  8. Destiny,Cause, Calling
  9. Stress Levels
  10.  Self Esteem Levels
  11.  Trust Levels
  12.  Management/ Leadership Style By Design
  13. AdaptAgility Levels 

Through our individual and High Performance Teams development pre-profiling we are able to discover the real issues infecting and affecting the Individual staff, relationships, trust levels, team spirit and workplace performance.

By choosing the right mixture of profiling and assessments were able to get a holistic view, like an x-ray machine.

We are able to discover the exact areas that need to be addressed. We are then able to design the team activities and management measurements that will directly inform our successful progress.

All of this data is consolidated with a visual analytics program to give an in-depth overview of the team and it’s state.

Visual analytics software allows us to slice and dice the feedback in a variety of ways that enables us to check and compare against every single contributors dataset.

With good preplanning we are able to get the right information that allows leadership and executives to explore and uncover aspects of their business that are usually invisible. These would include trust levels and trust flow, social networks, leadership influence, hindering influences, dependencies and other dynamics of the value chain.

The present reality is that at least 90% of all teambuilding requests are for frivolous and embarrassing childlike games.

It seems that there are very few companies who are ready and committed to creating exponential workplaces, with high-performance teamwork and growth oriented mindset people.

It’s no wonder that staff engagement and happiness levels are so low around the world.

These typically range from around 10 to 30% engagement, with an average of 20 to 30% disengagement. The real challenge is in countries like South Africa where staff disengagement levels often hover around 45 to 50%.

This is disastrous for any company wants to create a high-performance workplace. In order to rectify this we must begin with the quality of mindset of the individuals. For this is the foundation of your entire company’s success.

So many companies use skill set as the measurement for deciding to employ somebody.

But you can have a highly skilled unhappy person, with a bad attitude, and a fixed mindset that can destroy your culture, teamwork and trust.

Therefore it is vital when taking on new staff or keeping your existing staff to make sure that you have a good understanding of the inner workings and the outer interactions of individuals and teams.

Our pre-event research helps us to make sure we understand  what the present reality truly is, and specifically what we must address in the teambuilding workshop.

Therefore it is vital when taking on new staff or keeping your existing staff to make sure that you have a good understanding of the inner workings and the outer interactions of individuals and teams.

Our pre-event research helps us to make sure we understand what the present reality truly is, and specifically what we must address in the teambuilding workshop.

We are then able to resolve the REAL issues that the individual and team faces.

High Performance Team Building Pre Event Profiling 

Our diagnostics, assessments and Profiling gives us the REAL edge and insight to our results.

Next Step… need a proposal?

Copyright 1994 – 2022. Life Masters Appreciative Team Building | 083-447-6300 / 011 467-1763 |
Gauteng, South Africa – www.lifemasters.co.za




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